Free nutes?


lol that is a good idea. how about like all natural nutes? i heard fish tank water is good source of nutes. is that a good idea?


Well-Known Member
I got a free pack of nutrients from X Nutrients. Earlier there was a forum post where everyone was posting links to companies that were giving away samples. I emailed a few but right now most companies are out of samples. Your best bet is to ask during the winter months.

Compost is free and easy to get a hold of. Usually around this time most landfills have so much that they give away compost & mulch for the asking. You just need to bring a shovel and a couple of buckets. You could also make your own buy cutting the yard and tossing the grass clippings into a bucket, add water, and mix it real good every day. Continue to add water when it's dry and keep turning it. After about three months you should have some good ready to use compost. For a bloom fertilizer you could save your wood ashes or cannabis ashes and mix that into the soil. That's how they do it in really remote parts of Africa.

As you can tell, your probably not going to get what you need in time to start growing this year. Your best bet is to suck it up and buy inexpensive fertilizers. For $6 you can buy Alaska Fish Emulsions and for $10 you could buy Alaska MorBloom. Or for $8 you can buy an all-purpose organic mix from Kellogg that works for veg and flower and it will last 2-3 seasons.


eat healthy with a low sodium diet and use your piss. depending on the amount of liquids you consume, (the concentration) say if your urine is yellow use as 4-6ml per Gallon, or 1-3 for light colored. This is only good for veg.