Free seed question


Well-Known Member
High. I was looking at my plants this morning and noticed either a male or a hermie:o. The plant with the balls is The was a freebie seed in my last order from Attitude. If I order all fem. seeds, are the free ones feminized also?? I never thought of this B4, I just assumed the free ones were fems. but the lable just has strain sex.
My plants are on day 11 of flowering...all look like fems except this 1 Church. This my 1st hermie/male plant ever. Do I kill it today??
Thanks for any help
Plants do not hermie after only 11 days of flowering. If is has balls it's a full blown male. Hermies come later on once flowering has already well been established. Sometimes early on like that bills and small preflower can look similiar. Give it a few days until you see a cluster of balls of some pubic hairs coming out of those ball looking things.

Not all free seeds are female unless stated as such.