free seeds


dose any know of a place were i could get some free seeds because no more school = no weed and no weed = no seeds....:sad::weed:


New Member
i wood go around and ask everyone u see and tell them what u r doing thats ur best bet hell no u cant get free seeds unless u orderfrom attitudeor buy abag who is gonna mail seeds for free


=( that sux... at attitude u have to buy them? i have no money what so i cant even get nutes for my plant that i have right now so it just grown on sun lgiht n


Active Member
I heard home invasions and bank robberies are on the rise since the economy is so shitty. Get yourself a group and call yourself the Dead Presidents. Watch out for Johnny Utah though. LOL just kidding. Or am I.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
why do you need seeds for weed if you're already growing weed? you need seeds that bad, then just shock the crap out of your plant and hermie her! :D

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Every stoner has some bag seeds lying around. Ask the biggest pot-head you know, but don't tell anyone where you are growing.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Every stoner has some bag seeds lying around. Ask the biggest pot-head you know, but don't tell anyone where you are growing.
last week i picked up a 1/2 ounce, that contained the first bag seed i've seen in my life... i didn't even know of the expression before i found RIU and even then needed to get it clarified.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
:confused: damn!! you're either real young or you've got some outstanding weed connects!
nope, i geranlly get comletely run of the mill weed, nothing special at all, just never had anything with seeds in it before.

probs just to do with where i lived. sticks like, everyone knows everyone, and due to the market base, they took a lot of pride in what went around, in the city i'm lucky if i'll get a bag with it!


Well-Known Member
i wood go around and ask everyone u see and tell them what u r doing thats ur best bet hell no u cant get free seeds unless u orderfrom attitudeor buy abag who is gonna mail seeds for free
i hope you were being sarcastic.... always a good idea to tell everyone your growing weed, i will have to remember that.

buy weed, take seeds out, plant seeds, grow, take clones and mark were they came from, pull males kill clones from males,harvest, pick best tasten best smellin stonyiest female and make that clone a new mom grow out the rest and then clone mother and grow grow grow


Well-Known Member
listen to him. he knows the deal.

or take clones off the plant you have already, if its not flowering yet

no one will give you free seeds over the internet. its better to ask your friends. if you were my friend and i knew you in real life and you asked me in person, i would show you my bag with 1000 seeds in it and tell you you could have the whole thing and good luck with them. but i dont know you, your just another person on the internet.

so im gonna keep driving around throwing seeds out the window, hoping that my town gets over run with pot plants


Well-Known Member
listen to him. he knows the deal.

or take clones off the plant you have already, if its not flowering yet

no one will give you free seeds over the internet. its better to ask your friends. if you were my friend and i knew you in real life and you asked me in person, i would show you my bag with 1000 seeds in it and tell you you could have the whole thing and good luck with them. but i dont know you, your just another person on the internet.

so im gonna keep driving around throwing seeds out the window, hoping that my town gets over run with pot plants
was driven through kentuckey a few years ago stoped on the side of the road to piss and wouldn't ya know there was a plant growing about 5 feet away from the road up on a hill...........


Well-Known Member
i dream of a potplant epidemic in my town, in a few months 1000s of pot plants will be found. people wont be able to walk down the road without smelling that smell, you wont be able to chop 1 plant down without finding atleast 2 more.

free weed is what i preach