Think back to our conflicting "opinions". You said republicans were conservative and I disagreed and can show you that to be false, economically speaking, and you didn't really fight me on that. You said trump wasn't a narcissistic money guy and we can look at twitter and his work history and find that to be false as well, and you didn't really fight me on that. I think we know that those disagreements were more than being strictly opinion based. And you've been arguing with like twenty people here today and I've only argued with you, so it's been easier for me to keep track of. I think you might be mixing up some of these discussions.
If you were about to talk about Afghanistan(A), trump actually does play a role in that if you read up, but I do agree, biden kinda screwed up the last part. Even if people say his hands were tied per the previous agreement, we know some things could have been sorted out much better.