Freedom Hosting Founder Arrested!!!


Well-Known Member
Some sick fuck is drawing pictures of young kids. that same sick fuck is making money in child porn and you support it.

Death penalty for child abusers and supporters


Active Member
Some sick fuck is drawing pictures of young kids. that same sick fuck is making money in child porn and you support it.

Death penalty for child abusers and supporters
In the same context i am sure you have seen pictures of dead iraqi civi's. you are supporting terrorism by making that person money apparently. I cannot believe so many people over look it was 14 years ago in my life when i was not even legal to look at pornography.


Well-Known Member
Just because I can't type has no relation to my english in college...guess the art class you attended didn't have a photography class..yes I tore you apart and I'm glad you got the context.if you look at an abused child,somehow you are supporting that..if you're 14-16 to 116...its wrong..and for you to lash out at me defending your actions when in your own words you say are wrong,well that now makes you a should I go again?(besides typing school?)...good luck in're def. Gonna need it.


Active Member
Just because I can't type has no relation to my english in college...guess the art class you attended didn't have a photography class..yes I tore you apart and I'm glad you got the context.if you look at an abused child,somehow you are supporting that..if you're 14-16 to 116...its wrong..and for you to lash out at me defending your actions when in your own words you say are wrong,well that now makes you a should I go again?(besides typing school?)...good luck in're def. Gonna need it.
I understand you, i agree with you but like anyone i do not like to be labled on the wrong side of something because of a poor choice 16 years ago. I like to believe everyone grows and understands things, the fact i was on the other side of the fence so long ago means yes. i have something to contribute. for every 1000 people that will tear me a new ass for what i did as a pre-teen i at least have the view from the other side, even though it no longer applies to me. I don't mean to be an asshole rory, but i do want to defend myself. since it was me long long ago. I understand your aggressiveness and in fact i believe every human being should have it when it comes to this subject. what i cannot stand is being torn apart for a poor choice by a insecure boy long ago. The fact i put it out there should show that i am open with my past, not that i have to hide it. I just don't like being attacked but i understand why i would be.


Well-Known Member
Back on subject,again,..I wonder how this will affect dealers and transactions on silk road..pgp needs to be more accepted and talked about amongst tor users so as to protect us all..too many transactions at'd suck that pervs ruin the 'hookup'..and I also wonder what this will do to the paranoia factor...


Active Member
Back on subject,again,..I wonder how this will affect dealers and transactions on silk road..pgp needs to be more accepted and talked about amongst tor users so as to protect us all..too many transactions at'd suck that pervs ruin the 'hookup'..and I also wonder what this will do to the paranoia factor...
If you ever met me, you would never have known my past. the fact i made it public and recieved such an ass beating for it means i will never speak of it again. It was a part of my past like i said before and i would like it to remain so. I am sorry i was an asshole to you rory, i understand you have young kids as i do and i can totally understand you. It was wrong of me to be a prick but at the same time i guess it was wrong of me to put that out there with my young mentality on justification for it.


I assure you, this isn't even a major blow to CP...
OPVA is still there, not affected.
The JS Was there for 2 days, you had to have gone to a site and had "Down for maintenance" AND HAD JS Enabled AAAANNDDDD not be on Tails or another live cd.


Well-Known Member
TOR does nothing.
VPN'S do nothing.

There is NO anonymity on the net and there never has been. There are only masks.

That is why there is a darknet to begin with, but just because you have a tid bit of
knowledge to get you to the darkside it does not mean you are protected while you are there.

Just putting this out there for all you proxy users. As soon as you change your IP to a foreign
IP addy you are fair game to the NSA or whatever your home country calls their spy network.

With a foreign IP they are no longer attempting to spy on their citizens because the traffic is
showing as originating offshore, but again that is simple trickery because proxy or not all traffic
can and is traced back to the originating machine and IP.



Well-Known Member
There are plenty of ways to be anonomous tho...get a dusty laptop and go to a hotel with free wifi and set in the lobby...or other variations of this...


Well-Known Member
In the same context i am sure you have seen pictures of dead iraqi civi's. you are supporting terrorism by making that person money apparently. I cannot believe so many people over look it was 14 years ago in my life when i was not even legal to look at pornography.
No , man actually I have never seen dead iraqi's before. I have never googled that shit. I am not interested in child porn or pictures of dead bodies. call me crazy


Well-Known Member
Companies that host .onions need to monitor what they host. Child porn is not acceptable and the government will use it as an excuse to raid onionland. In general I'm not a fan of rules but the exploitation of children is wrong on every level.


Well-Known Member
All drugs need to be legalized with a structured system. Cocaine and Heroin will become free, but you are to use the drug in a certain area if not your home, and you are to obtain a 'card' that allows you to use the drug. To get the card you need to attend classes on drug addiction.
With all the money we save on prisons and over-paid guards, we will build state-of-the-art rehab facilities, with all the latest research and doctors to aid in recovery. Every city will have advanced rehab centers and strong community support.

The economy will be flourishing. All of our wasted tax dollars on a failed prison system will now be put toward EDUCATING people. We would become a society for education and conservation.

We could be come a great country again. Everyone would have the power to start a business and pursue the American Dream once again, if only DRUGS WERE ALL LEGALIZE..

Addiction rate would drop
Crime rate would drop
Murders rate drop

The economy would become so stable, we would probably be back into Space Exploration. But this will never happen. Because RELIGION is too powerful. We are too dumb of a species for Enlightenment and space exploration or even inner space exploration. Religion is killing us all and destroying our planet. fools.


Active Member
I understand you, i agree with you but like anyone i do not like to be labled on the wrong side of something because of a poor choice 16 years ago. I like to believe everyone grows and understands things, the fact i was on the other side of the fence so long ago means yes. i have something to contribute. for every 1000 people that will tear me a new ass for what i did as a pre-teen i at least have the view from the other side, even though it no longer applies to me. I don't mean to be an asshole rory, but i do want to defend myself. since it was me long long ago. I understand your aggressiveness and in fact i believe every human being should have it when it comes to this subject. what i cannot stand is being torn apart for a poor choice by a insecure boy long ago. The fact i put it out there should show that i am open with my past, not that i have to hide it. I just don't like being attacked but i understand why i would be.
Who the fuck in their right mind would want to be on the other side of the fence. Call me insane but I could give a fuck less about pedo's and the way they feel/view things! You put your foot in it bigtime with your original statement. If I was you I would delete this account and start again because you gonna be labelled a pedo and frowned upon in this community!

Back on subject,again,..I wonder how this will affect dealers and transactions on silk road..pgp needs to be more accepted and talked about amongst tor users so as to protect us all..too many transactions at'd suck that pervs ruin the 'hookup'..and I also wonder what this will do to the paranoia factor...
I dont think it will affect much at all. The only thing or people it will affect is the people who used TORmail but did not use pgp! They are the ones that should be worried. DPR made a post on it. I got a feeling though that SR is in the crosshairs of many government agencies in the US. Not sure what authorities down under are doing or if they 'will' do anything.

All drugs need to be legalized with a structured system. Cocaine and Heroin will become free, but you are to use the drug in a certain area if not your home, and you are to obtain a 'card' that allows you to use the drug. To get the card you need to attend classes on drug addiction.
With all the money we save on prisons and over-paid guards, we will build state-of-the-art rehab facilities, with all the latest research and doctors to aid in recovery. Every city will have advanced rehab centers and strong community support.

The economy will be flourishing. All of our wasted tax dollars on a failed prison system will now be put toward EDUCATING people. We would become a society for education and conservation.

We could be come a great country again. Everyone would have the power to start a business and pursue the American Dream once again, if only DRUGS WERE ALL LEGALIZE..

Addiction rate would drop
Crime rate would drop
Murders rate drop

The economy would become so stable, we would probably be back into Space Exploration. But this will never happen. Because RELIGION is too powerful. We are too dumb of a species for Enlightenment and space exploration or even inner space exploration. Religion is killing us all and destroying our planet. fools.
Extremely well spoken...IMPMAN FOR PRESIDENT!


Well-Known Member
Impman...again with your wisdom..I do feel it will be a different system if implicated(I feel minds will advance to where cocaine is like coffee)but along par with your prediction..anyone see 'the buisness'?...the first 4 mins is exactly what you're describing and I'm invisioning...and yes..account should be deleted. Anyone in their grasp of reality would see the horrid mistake they made,and an even bigger one announcing it...on the world wide web,while taliking about being annonomous...doesn't seem smart at all...but my english sucks so what do I know?


Well-Known Member
why cant we all just chase toads around and gather nuts for food. I will gather nuts, rory can rangle the frogs and Mr.E duck can get the LSD lab going . boom, perfect society. if anyone starts getting weird and talking about coke and meth, then we just murder them and suck their adrenaline glands..... oh fuck what?! Nevermind that last part. shit would get weird in a commune..

eventually someone wants to take charge and start fucking all the women and eating more nuts and licking all the frogs eyeballs and horde all the acid. even with the pranksters. i love Tom Wolfe Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, but a LSD society could get fucked in a hurry... see charles manson...

We need balance goddamn it! maybe we should go Communist three months, then Facist three months, switch it up and kill anyone who put themselves in charge every new season.

i think i need to lay off the coffee and Qwiso hash with keif on it


Well-Known Member
Oh how I would love to live in a commune.
And I have no problem with someone wanting to fuck everybody as long as everyone consents.
On a more serious note an LSD based society was a goal of the Brotherhood and it didn't turn out to well for them, sadly humans are rather easily corrupted.


Well-Known Member
I'm not corrupted,just fucking OUTTA MY MIND NATURALLY!...LOL...The brotherhood wanted gain..hence the hash smuggling..their downfall...and surfer girls,aliens at jimi hendrix shows in hawaii ect...crazy hippies...communes would be ideal..I allways say if I winn billions in the lottery I don't play,I'm buying an island,a chemist,a distillery,a hundred posh condos and shipping my friends and family there(ill provide the herb),everything for free the rest of our days...but everyone has to help somehow...unlike our me me me society we live in now...