freedom of speech may be lost of today . on the internet .

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
if your interested in this . look at face book . they are not censoring any thing like they used to . you will even find bodily threats agents people . my guess facebook just stopped censoring it because there will be that new company in charge . icann . .


Well-Known Member
I dont think its facebooks job to have to censor or not societies shortcomings.

if your interested in this . look at face book . they are not censoring any thing like they used to . you will even find bodily threats agents people . my guess facebook just stopped censoring it because there will be that new company in charge . icann . .

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
there is not a lot of accurate information on it . from what i am seeing professions say watching you tube . is that freedom of speech . what we watch . possible taxed . if your speech is incorrect your posting will be banned and possible fined .
its been slowly ramping up on Facebook & YouTube in the USA but its been hard core in Europe for several years now,German LEO will arrest you after posting any anti Islamic immigrant vids on YouTube,most of Europe is heavily censured on moderate & right leaning topics of just words,the same topics are allowed to show graphic violence & vulgar language if its from a far left radical perspective .

Obamas plan to give the internet rights of Americans is being fought over till the end,this internet shit with Obama is just another example of the oligarchy doing all they can to silence free speech .

Anybody in favor,or defending Obama please cite exactly what the USA,and its citizens stand to gain by giving away our control to fucking NATO .

IMO NATO needs to go asap,fuck NATO & the corruption they foster .

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
if your interested in this . look at face book . they are not censoring any thing like they used to . you will even find bodily threats agents people . my guess facebook just stopped censoring it because there will be that new company in charge . icann . .
Facebook has stopped censuloring far left radicals who issue death threats daily,meanwhile they've tripled down on censoring moderate & conservative posts & news feeds .

YouTube has doubled down on conservative content by demonitizing any conservative videos,there's tons of examples of YouTube claiming they needed to demonitize content of creators who get several million full views a week,because the content isn't advertiser friendly .

remember folks,YouTube is Google,even google has been hard busted manipulating information & burying other information.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Because software engineers in the U.S. created the internet, the HTML language, the hardware, the software, the browsers, and pretty much everything else.
So? What's stopping them from doing the money making?

The Fed should be more concerned with cyber security, then "regulating" domain names! I could care less about how many www.cameltoe.whatevers there are. Hell, they can't even get hi speed out in the country at any affordable rate! It all has to be the big corporate money machines controlling delivery! In the EU it all comes through your electrical outlet and at cheap rates! BLINDING fast too!
We should all be able to have access to quality Hi speed at a fair rate!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
its been slowly ramping up on Facebook & YouTube in the USA but its been hard core in Europe for several years now,German LEO will arrest you after posting any anti Islamic immigrant vids on YouTube,most of Europe is heavily censured on moderate & right leaning topics of just words,the same topics are allowed to show graphic violence & vulgar language if its from a far left radical perspective .

Obamas plan to give the internet rights of Americans is being fought over till the end,this internet shit with Obama is just another example of the oligarchy doing all they can to silence free speech .

Anybody in favor,or defending Obama please cite exactly what the USA,and its citizens stand to gain by giving away our control to fucking NATO .

IMO NATO needs to go asap,fuck NATO & the corruption they foster .
Take your fucking blinders off ya right wing stooge! You need to take another look at just WHO's taking away freedoms.....think the NSA don't have shit from your phones? Now just who started that?




Well-Known Member
Facebook has stopped censuloring far left radicals who issue death threats daily,meanwhile they've tripled down on censoring moderate & conservative posts & news feeds .

YouTube has doubled down on conservative content by demonitizing any conservative videos,there's tons of examples of YouTube claiming they needed to demonitize content of creators who get several million full views a week,because the content isn't advertiser friendly .

remember folks,YouTube is Google,even google has been hard busted manipulating information & burying other information.
Couldn't imagine a world without google tho ;(