Freezing temps, time to Harvest?


Well-Known Member
Hi again everyone,
I have a question regarding freezing temperatures and harvest time. PLZ

There is one remaining outdoor plant that will soon experience its first freeze. It is not developed enough to be plucked quite yet due to the latitude and strain. In four days the temperature will drop to about 25 degrees F as the low. The high the day prior will be about 40 degrees with rain and the high the day afterward will be about 50 degrees with sunny conditions. The rest of the week will be in the upper 60's to 70's with low humidity. Mold isn't a big concern where I'm from.

Will this one night of freezing temps indeed destroy the plant and bud? Should I pull it before this first freeze? Should I chance it?

PLZ any input really helps! After having an entire crop cut due to the feds, this sole survivor means a lot to me.

I appreciate any input,


Well-Known Member
if u dont think its going to be ready for harvest before it frosts and if its only going to frost this one night, throw a blanket/garbage bag over it, water the soil really well before night time (you want all the water u can get in the plant, H20 can stay as a liquid and not freeze for a short time even if its below 32` F) and hope for the best.. some growers think that weed needs a little frost to give it an extra little kick (personally dont think it makes a difference)... if a plant is frosted too bad it will die and you should harvest a frosted plant asap after a hard/killing frost... but no, it wont detroy the bud, just kills the plant :(


Well-Known Member
Is the plant in a pot, or in the ground?

if its in a pot, do you think you could bring it inside for 2 days, perhaps just pick up some cfl's or something to give it some decent light for those days, then put it back out when the temperature warms up. That seems like the best method to me, but perhaps this is not an option.

I think plant should make it through the frost, but then again iv never had a frost issue = (. How far along into flowering is your plant by the way?


Well-Known Member
I apologize. I've been off this site for a while and haven't caught up... The plants that I had outdoors last summer were either discovered and killed or stolen... :-( It was my first real outdoor grow. By harvest time I had one remaining plant in a different location that was also planted in the ground. It did not have time to fully develop buds because we had an early freeze last year. I only had the chance to visit the girls once during the day, so only one photo shoot. These were taken mid-July '07:

the base of one of the ladies...

Here's the buds at that time...

and finally

My best friend is 6ft...

Thanks for the tips- Hopefully I have better luck this summer...
-check it out in my thread titled Outdoor 08'


Active Member
Buddy The Are To Tall U Really Should Get Medium Side Plants The U Have More Chance We The Frost And People Good Luck Next Time . And Get Ak 47


Well-Known Member
Its never a good idea to plant most of your girls in one location... unfortunately I learned that the hard way. This summer will be different.