Freezing weather with Window Grow


Active Member
I have germinated 11 Lowryder 2s and put them in soil in a bay window... last night it got extremely cold... the pots were very cold this morning (I am pretty sure they werent freezing). The plants were pretty saturated though from a watering the night before. The seeds havent broke ground yet... 4 have been in there 2 days and 7 of em I planted last night.

I bought a small space heater with a thermostat... During the day they seem to be pretty warm... its at night when the temp is dropping around 25 degrees... te floor of the bay window is a plastic that gets pretty cold... Inside the Bay window isnt that cold... i think its the plastic that is making the pots/soil cold...i have them sitting on a towel and A space heater blowing hot air around. this is a bay window so it hangs outside the exterior of the house

Do you think they will be ok? Anyone had the same problem and have remedies? Like I said I have put a space heater next to them ... i was throwing around the idea of a Heating Pad to throw under the plants... which would work better?


Well-Known Member
i would place your hand in front of the plants and see if the space heater warms your hand. if its too hot for your hand it to hot for the plannt, same with cold. now if its only droppin TOO 25 degrees celcius than that is the perfect temp right there. 25 degrees celcius is perfect anything over 30 is deadly and under 18 is not ideal. GET A THERMOMETER.


Well-Known Member
OOO shit that is wayyyyyy to cold for them babies. your aiming for around 77. a heating pad would be a great idea, mimicking the warmth of the ground from hot summer days.


Well-Known Member
yeah they will be fine if you warm them up really soon at night there's no light coming in the window so why not move them elsewhere where its not cold;-)


Well-Known Member
where i'm liveing at the minute it's freezing ive been and bought a small heater fan that blows hot or cold air out iv been putting it on for 15 miutes each night from when lights off till lights on seems to have booked them up a little but to be honest my grow rooms are air tightany way the only air comeing out is going in to charcoal filter


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys... yeah this is concerning me! paid 70 bucks for the seeds and I dont wanna lose that to the cold!

I have a small mini space heater blowing in the bay's not oscillating though... bought a thermometer too just to see how cold it is getting in there... I might buy some foam to put the pots on ... and if they are still getting way too cold i'll get a heating pad... if its not too late.


Well-Known Member
so why not move them elsewhere where its not cold sitting in a huge bay window you wouldn't just put them outside right. put that 70 bucks worth of seeds somewhere warm fuck the pad and heater winter is almost done:wink: (i hope anyway) i feel bad when i lose bagseed let alone 70 bucks worth of them:wall:


Active Member
you know your idea is something i really never thought of until you posted it earlier lol. I have considered it but i would have to move 11 plants each in 1 gallon containers every night and every morning (plus the plants are a bltch to get to).... i think the heater is working.... i think i am going to put down styrofoam so it will insulate the pots from the cold plastic flooring. Your idea is the best one but i am one lazy dude...i think they are going to be ok... just waiting for em to get above ground right now... thanks a ton for your suggestion


Well-Known Member
you know your idea is something i really never thought of until you posted it earlier lol. I have considered it but i would have to move 11 plants each in 1 gallon containers every night and every morning (plus the plants are a bltch to get to).... i think the heater is working.... i think i am going to put down styrofoam so it will insulate the pots from the cold plastic flooring. Your idea is the best one but i am one lazy dude...i think they are going to be ok... just waiting for em to get above ground right now... thanks a ton for your suggestion
no problem i hear the lazy part lol +rep would be nice tho;-)


Active Member
Last night I decided to take my floro lights from my garage workbench and put em in a closet... low and behold today i see that 2 seedlings are above ground... thank god... i think i should get a few more out of the 11 i planted