Fresh Air question


Hello there! I am running 2 1000 watt HPS lights for 12 plants in a basement and I have no fresh air coming in the room. The plants are about 26 inches tall and nice and bushy in 7 gallon grow bags. I switched them over to 12/12 and they arent getting any bigger.... Is the lack of fresh air to blame? Also it is 24 degrees outside and that is one of the reasons I am not running fresh air in. any tips would help. btw room temp is 72 degrees! Strain=Grand daddy Purps


Active Member
Fresh air is a must for a healthy garden friend; fresh circulating air to be precise. Plants use the immediate surrounding areas around the leafs, if there is no air circulating around these the transpiration rates drop and this is a no no for a garden such as yours, you want high transpiration rates. Get some air down there friend. Hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
Bring in the fresh air , adjust your temps around this , don't be silly.
How can you think your plants will thrive with no air ?


Thank you guys for your info. I have fans in there circulating air just no outside air coming in. Should I just use inline fan blowing in air :oon full blast or can i turn it on and off as needed? I guess I just don't know how much outside air is needed.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Also I was thinking about running a Co2 system. Can I use one of those in place of fresh air?
You can relax about the plants not growing.

Changing to 12/12 will cause a pause in growth for a week or so while the plant(s) get their internal bearings and change from Vegetative growth to Flowering.

Same thing happens when you change from 12/12 to 16/8 (if you choose to reveg your flowering plants for a second crop): The plants take a few days to a week before they're ready to start growing again.

Anytime the plant has to change from vegetative <-> flowering or back, in fact, you'll have a week or so of 'nothing goin on' before they start growing again.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
mine in the garage should i use a fan
You should always have a fan circulating air around the leaves: foliage has it's own little microclimate on the surface of the leaves, and the air within that micro-surface/climate has to be moved around, and replaced with new air. The fan doesn't have to be on FULL, it just has to make the leaves wiggle - like a breeze would outdoors.

As for the fresh air from outside, I don't believe you really need fresh outdoor air. I dont grow indoors anymore at all, but when I did, I had my plants in my bedroom with door closed and windows bolted shut, and I never had any issues with the plants or their health.

You just need to move the air around the plants and through them, and they'll be fine.