fresh cut so I have leaves can I make Tinc


I have some fresh cuttings and want to make a tinc. Im not using the buds but all the leaves and stuff. I dont dry them to mke my budder and that works our good. Can I just use them green or do I have to dry? And if I have to how should I dry them? :confused:
well every time i make budder i use dry leaf.the quickest way to dry ya leaf is getsome newspaper just em in it and put a mat or somthing heavy on top of it.and wtf is a tinc?!?!


Tinacture, prob spelled that wrong. but its when you soak the product in high proof alchole so that you can say use it under the tongue, put into teas that sort of thing. I guess Im just not sure if I have to dry it first since its just leaves and stems, you know mostly trash