Freshly planted seeds, need some help.


Active Member
Hey ppl, on Saturday morning I've planted 2 germinated seeds (they had a tap root that I got in 2 days with water cup soaking method), I've used neutral PH soil that my aunt uses for her flowers and stuff. Not the best because of slow drainage.
I've planted the seeds in plastic cups, tap root down in approx 0,5 - 1 cm deep then barely covered with soil. I've been spraying the surface with rain water every morning so soil surface is nice and moist and the rest soil is somewhat damp.
The cups have drain holes, and I've been keeping them covered with tin foil to avoid any sun light coming in.
My question is, how long can it take for a sprout to show, it's been 2 days now and no sign of it what so ever. I must say that germinating was kinda hard, because the seeds were like 7 years old, but still I got the tap root, so I don't know if this may be a reason for a slow sprouting.
Please help ppl, I really wanna grow a nice plant for summer vacation.



Active Member
Thanx delvite, should I keep the tin foil over the cups or is that just useless? I know they dont need light so far till they sprout, but is it bad if they get light?



Well-Known Member
Thanx delvite, should I keep the tin foil over the cups or is that just useless? I know they dont need light so far till they sprout, but is it bad if they get light?

..................................... i dont use it pesonally ;)


Active Member
Take your tin foil off and use some plastic wrap if you have it, it's ok for light to hit the soil, it will warm it up and incubate your seeds for hopefully quicker results. As long as your cup isn't clear you should be fine with some sun. In a few days you can always dig up your sprout if you still don't see any progress, just to see what's going on down there.


Active Member
Hi guys, thanx for the tips ;) will do that. Quick question, I've seen a white speck of mold on the surface of the soil on one cup, why could that be? I mean I havent looked to see where the problem is from, since Im at work right now and my babies are home.
The speck wasnt so big, just in one spot, and I removed it with the tweezers. Anyone got this before that could help??


Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Instead of plastic wrap...I use a ziplock bag and form a sorta tent above it. You can use a rubber band to keep it in place...or string :)...leave this on til you see the seedling pushing up through..there should be no need to water daily.


Active Member
Hey guys, thanx 4 the support ;)

Today I checked and there was mold again, then I saw a piece of bark or something that kept making that mold, so I took it out. This should solve this problem :D, on the sprouting, I still hope they will emerge soon, as I am losing hope.
I will add perlite to the mix for a new seed I'm gonna plant, this better work smooth hehe. quick q:
If I am to take out the germinated seed that wont emerge, and plant them in new cups with soil+perlite mix, will they grow, or will they be in shock or something?
This is my very first grow attempt so bare with me



yea i'd use less water on them and definitely use a plastic bag (make a small greenhouse is Ur goal)... hopeful will work


Well-Known Member
I would not pull the existing seeds out of the soil. I would stop watering and let the soil that you put them in dry out. Do not overwater. I have killed many seedlings by overwatering.

I hope you didn't plant them too deep. They can be just slightly buried with soil and still grow, the roots will push down and search for nutes.


Active Member
Cool, then I'll make a "green house" for my babes ;)
Adding the bag will increase air humidity for sure, that could be bad cuz it can attract more mold, right?
I will not water again in 2 days, tho the soil i used drains kinda slow, i hope its enough.
