Freshman House Rep Katie Hill (D-CA) resigns over banging staffers.


Well-Known Member
After bumping out a incumbent Republican in 2018 and beginning what seemed to have been a promising career Katie Hill had some nude pics leak from banging her staffers and decided to do the right thing and resign.

It is a bummer, I really liked her in congress.
After bumping out a incumbent Republican in 2018 and beginning what seemed to have been a promising career Katie Hill had some nude pics leak from banging her staffers and decided to do the right thing and resign.

It is a bummer, I really liked her in congress.
What was the problem? Seems like a girls just wanna have fun thing :(.
Katie Hill had some nude pics leak from banging her staffers and decided to do the right thing and resign.
I get the point you are making but doing the "right thing" would be not banging staffers in the first place. IMO
I get the point you are making but doing the "right thing" would be not banging staffers in the first place. IMO
Right, which is why it then became the right thing to resign when she did. But hey people are people and going to mess up and have to face the consequences in life when they do and get caught.

It will be interesting to see who runs now for that seat, the poor Russians will be working overtime on this I am sure.
I get the point you are making but doing the "right thing" would be not banging staffers in the first place. IMO
She shoulda banged a whore while her spouse was at home taking care of their days old newborn, directed her lawyer to make an illegal hush money payoff days before her election, and then watched her lawyer go to prison for it

You woulda been ok with that, right scumbag?
She shoulda banged a whore while her spouse was at home taking care of their days old newborn, directed her lawyer to make an illegal hush money payoff days before her election, and then watched her lawyer go to prison for it

You woulda been ok with that, right scumbag?
See here I was thinking she should have asked a minor's parents if she could date their kid so she could get Trump's support.
Wrong is wrong. That's where you and I are very different. If you like the person, you don't condone wrong. Multiple examples daily. I condone wrong from both sides. Old Roy is a piece of shit. So is trump. So are you.
Ill bite, what have I done to merit you calling me a piece of shit?
Im sorry, it thought I was quoting someone else. My apologies, you are far from a piece of shit. I respect you a lot even though we disagree on politics.
little early to be that fucked up on pills and booze, don’t ya think?

And you love pedophiles. You support trump even after he bragged about walking in on unsuspecting naked underage children. You support trump after he endorsed pedophile Roy Moore

Don’t expect anyone to buy your act, criminal
little early to be that fucked up on pills and booze, don’t ya think?

And you love pedophiles. You support trump even after he bragged about walking in on unsuspecting naked underage children. You support trump after he endorsed pedophile Roy Moore

Don’t expect anyone to buy your act, criminal
Im at work, sitting behind my desk, making money, directing my employees. Busy busy. I have a lot going on here. Honest mistake.
Everyone who believes that stand on your head.

I don't see any feet in the air! :roll:

That i misquoted? Or that I'm busy at work?

I was gonna take a pic of myself, sitting at my desk, with the security cameras behind me in the 155 thousand square foot warehouse. Piles of paperwork, but I don't have anything to prove to you or anyone else. If you don't believe me, I really don't care.

Maybe its the reason Im against welfare, lazy people, and free shit. Maybe its the fact that if I can do it, anyone else can to.
Im at work, sitting behind my desk, making money, directing my employees. Busy busy. I have a lot going on here. Honest mistake.

Your confusion and inability to discern who you are even responding to tells me you’re at home, living on your disability check, getting high on opiates and booze

Just like the rest of trumps white trash base
I am not seeing why it is a problem for her to have an orgy as long as she is representing her constituency properly . No harm no foul right? Bet they had a neat safe word like constitutionalists.
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That i misquoted? Or that I'm busy at work?

I was gonna take a pic of myself, sitting at my desk, with the security cameras behind me in the 155 thousand square foot warehouse. Piles of paperwork, but I don't have anything to prove to you or anyone else. If you don't believe me, I really don't care.

Maybe its the reason Im against welfare, lazy people, and free shit. Maybe its the fact that if I can do it, anyone else can to.
At home on a disability check fucked up on opiates and booze

Like the rest of trumps fragile, insecure, neo nazi base