Fresno man shoots pot thiefs


Well-Known Member
Those guys probably won't steal pot anymore. Shit, they prob will never steal anything ever again.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Good for him. He better not get charged. I'd do the same damn thing if I caught someone in my grow. I almost always believe in a non-violent solution, but if someone came on my land and tried to steal mine and my family's livelihood you better believe I will defend it. All this guy was doing was defending his land and his livelihood and for that I say good for him. If these guys didn't wanna get shot, they shouldn't be stealing or they should learn to steal better.

Penni Walli

kinda sucks that guy got arrested for protecting his property, hopefully he gets let off, i like how one of the neighbors said '' who gives them the right to shoot someone over pot '' that lady is dumb, its not about the pot its the principle of being a thief.
Even if he gets off on this the state charge the fed will get him next week. I mean they now know he grows and owns guns, that two charges that will get him some time.


Active Member
Thieves are scum, plain and simple. I feel no pity for a man that dies when he is trying to take someone else's hard work. I just hope the "hero" had everything legal- like safe mentioned they are going to run a fine-toothed comb through this to try and find something to bag him on.


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of having mixed feelings about this...this incident either set the marijuana legalization movement back because someone almost got killed because of it, or it further supports the movement because they don't want anymore people to get shot over it, idk...



Well-Known Member
Phayvanh Dydouangphan? arr, so you think you come in here an take my pot prants eh? but you didnt count on me Phayvanh Dydouangphan did you? ask yourserf do you feer rucky? do you punk?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm kind of having mixed feelings about this...this incident either set the marijuana legalization movement back because someone almost got killed because of it, or it further supports the movement because they don't want anymore people to get shot over it, idk...

Someone got killed? I missed that part of the article, thought it was just a bad injury.