Friday the 13th


Moderatrix of Journals
..... and to think i might've gone all day without noticing.

if some horrible fate befalls me today, i'm blaming the stoned linux penguin.

(and it's cold here too, they're calling for freezing rain over the weekend, but the air smells like spring..... ?!)


Well-Known Member
..... and to think i might've gone all day without noticing.

if some horrible fate befalls me today, i'm blaming the stoned linux penguin.

(and it's cold here too, they're calling for freezing rain over the weekend, but the air smells like spring..... ?!)
No, not Tux!! Don't kill the messenger!!

3 degrees last night & gusting to 70 kts.

My wife's nipples can scratch glass in this weather !
BBRRR! This is the coldest its been all winter here. It was almost 50f here yesterday.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I didn't realize it either til I looked at my calendar! Yeah its 18F here. BBBRRRRR! Colder up there in the North eh?
It's was 9 degrees until 8am this morning. I stepped outside for a bit of fresh air and then had to coax my penis out of hiding. It was a traumatic experience. I think it needs therapy.