Fridge Grow/Clone Box (with a twist)


Well-Known Member
I was a little nervous to look at the plants this AM, but they are doing fine!
The tips of the weighted branches have turned towards the light, even with the lights off last night.
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Well-Known Member
OK… the Dwarf might just be a player in this game !
Look at the 2 tops how much they popped in just 2 days after topping.
It's getting real bushy underneath too.


Well-Known Member
And he had to raise the light to the last click.
Well, he can raise it one more, but it is just sitting in the end of the adjustment tube.
T-minus 3 days and counting till blastoff !


Well-Known Member
Glad I joined this site. This has to be one of the most documented builds/grows I've seen so far. Things are so different from the last time I grew ( 1995 ). This has inspired me to start again lol !

Thank you


Well-Known Member
I'm really looking forward to seeing how the fridge build works out. It seems perfect because of cost, build specs and it's stealthy.
You've got me thinking of a mini fridge build as that would fit my space easily.


Well-Known Member
Well the plants are in their new home now.
Was up at 5 this AM... couldn't sleep so I started mixing nutes... 2 gallons.
The roots came apart with minimal damage.
I am probably going to run the feeding continuous for at least half the day to ease the shock of the roots not actually swimming in the nutes.
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Well-Known Member
I want to give them a week more of 18/6 veg with the Metal Halide light then flip the switch to 12/12 and the Low Pressure Sodium.
I am gonna keep the UVB light on with the MH/LPS.