Friend or Foe


Active Member
Yeah its difficult to tell if its a friend or foe its very small but if you see any holes on the leaves then its a for and may be too late to stop it if not then it may just be a friend so you can either wait or kill it and save time and bud so thats up to you


Active Member
i had a predatory spider spinning webs across the pots, i thought about keeping it but realized ITS a fucking SPIDER, shit could bite me. i just vacuumed it up.

you want a predator in your gardern? Get lady bugs.


Well-Known Member
its really hard telling from your photos. So it was a question smart ass. jk, but that little dude wont hurt your plants. you do have spiders in your house though....


Are you guys sure that isnt a SpiderMite? It looks like It could be one but Im not too sure here Check out these pics...If it is a SpiderMite then they can ruin an entire crop!!


Well-Known Member
not a spider mite....
:dunce:But r u sure that really looks like a spider mite thats 1 freakin hugh spider mite if it is has to be some kind of world record huh? My bud dangledo. I'm with U bro the critter is long gone by now and left no relatives so thats your answer all my other fellas listen to my boy dangledo he knows whats up.

Here's another peek at my girl Two Towers AKA Marilyn's Peaks!!

Peace out,



Well-Known Member
:dunce:But r u sure that really looks like a spider mite thats 1 freakin hugh spider mite if it is has to be some kind of world record huh? My bud dangledo. I'm with U bro the critter is long gone by now and left no relatives so thats your answer all my other fellas listen to my boy dangledo he knows whats up.

Here's another peek at my girl Two Towers AKA Marilyn's Peaks!!

Peace out,
Well alls well and she is progressing well, I believe that most skunks are a medium to medium high flower period anywhere from 7 to 10 weeks tops minus the stretch of course (2 weeks). My plant is at 35 days since the flip minus 14 thats 21 days 3 weeks,not bad if I do say so myself. These are pictures of her outdoor & indoor environment due to the fact that I live in literal Hell and its beginning again Mercury is rising once again.

Peace out,

