Friends that tell stories that are COMPLETELY a LIE!

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
there was this kid in a class of mine in high school. and i would talk to him sometimes but its just so dumb. i would come in and tell him i got this new piece the incredibowl. and right after i say the name hes like oh yeah man i got one of those at my house my cousin has one and let me use it. and then i go on to ask him about it and stuff and its like he has no idea what hes talking about. then one day he said that his mom found an ipad on the plane in first class and took it then she lost that one a couple months later then he said that she found another one on the plane again! ether shes a lucky ass woman or hes full of shit. hes one of those douche kids anyways so if he did tell the truth no one would believe him anyway haha


Well-Known Member
Usually habitual liars are kleptomaniacs. I try not to have people like this in my life. I don't have to worry about my personal belongings that way. You can never trust a liar.
i would beg to differ. ive had many friends who were pretty bad with it and they were all upstanding citizens. they just liked to make shit up, especially when drinking or smoking.


Well-Known Member
I used to know a couple different guys and almost everything that came out of their mouth was a lie. For some reason....They would take all the stories I would tell them that happened to me, then a week later they would tell it right back to me except that it happened to them lol.


Active Member
It sounds ike he started telling the story one day and it probably was making people laugh like you said, and he thought he was on a roll so he keeps adding to the lie to jeep the laughs know what I mean?

AND THEEEEENN... he threw hot sauce at me...
AND THEEEENNN... he got off the hood and ran...
AND THEEEENNN... there was an eggshell on his face...

Great story. had me rollin lol.
I should actually ask him to rehash on that story & see if anything changes. Lol.

Kekapen sounds like your friend is related to undertaker and kane lol what a story
LMAO funny you would say that.
The original reason this story was ever brought up in the first place was completely WWF/E related.
I was telling him how it would be near impossible to power-bomb someone in REAL LIFE.
(At the time, we were literally watching Undertaker do the LAST RIDE!!)
Because the person would actually have to jump up as you lift them & twist in the air (it's a move that requires both wrestlers to pull off) in other words.

...His response to that? My original post lol.

I have a friend that is a compulsive liar.He always has a story that would top yours LOL.Dude this Guy comes up with some fucken weird lies for no reason.It so random.All of my friends give each other this look and smirk at each others cause we know it BS.
This is the definition of this dude, EXACTLY!