Friends with Sexy Benefits ;)


LOL ...yeah i noticed that to ? hehehe

mine has better fingernails :P

Now back to the topic of this straight talking horny girl that needs no advice ....whatsoever! hehe
This thread is slowly becoing the RIU orgy thread lolol....

And come on ventooo i had dibbs on this advatar thats lame =/
GanJulia, ever thought about joining the 5 mile high club? :hump:

That mile high club shit is so overrated, feel sorry for those that can only get it up to 5280 feet... pretty sure she dosent wanna fuck all you guys...or mabe shes really that freaky -thinks-
This thread is slowly becoing the RIU orgy thread lolol....

And come on ventooo i had dibbs on this advatar thats lame =/

Stop being a girl lol

OK ,I will change it :)...only changed it today ..first time since i have been here ...but it don't work :( it's all yours bud :)
What do you guys think of the whole, sex without strings attached deal?

I have a good friend of mine whos been hounding me to hook up ever since we did a month ago, and I know he wants us to do the whole F.W.B. thing.. I've done it when I was younger and in really stupid/bad situations.. so now that im older, and he's mature (and single) im thinking sex without strings attached would be fun? I'm in now way interested in him emotionally, I enjoy that we just like to fuck.

Good deal right? Orrrr? :o

Edit - going to the gym, im excited for responses when im back :D :clap:
Can I be your friend with sexy benefits?
The real question here is, does he take you to pound town? I mean truly lay serious pipe. Im talkin a good ole fashion skull fucking. Those are the kind of lays you need to be on track with to qualify for F.W.B. I had several F.W.B. back in the day, and I remember I started slacking with one of them...after a few weeks I could tell she was starting to not be interested in the whole F.W.B. idea.. so I took her back to pound town, and she was good to go. It only lasted a summer though, once we were back in school, we went our separate ways. Well sort of..we still hung out, but not penis in vagina hanging out, more like smoking weed and going out to bars with friends. Moral of the story -- make sure this guy takes you to pound town. Is he an eater or a 'lick and finger' kinda guy?
LMAO this thread is olllddddddddd <3

I am no longer tryna fuck this guy haha. I told him a while back that I was seeing someone else. He told me to call him if I needed a revenge fuck :lol:

He didn't take me to pound town, but this other guy has :shock: many times.