FrigiDare 2 Indica's Infrared Spectrum Trial

Thanks. Those SS are my favorite I've grown so far, but smoke report is still coming for the PR. All clones and #5 & #6 are harvested.
I saw your Gov. on the repeal bandwagon. My state has solid funding, but this repeal is guaranteed lawsuits by thousands. They cut k-12 funding hard here. We offered $50 million for it from taxes. We'll fight them hard. I'll be damned if I go back on 5 pills.
thats right my friend beat 'em with dollars and you will win....if there's a trustworth org fighting for you send me their link so I can donate COME THE BEGINNING OF THE MONTH....LEAST I CAN DO FOR YOU BRO....

Whats up Daniels & my fellow free men, I've been reading your posts and I'm liking what im reading, good stuff. Im a 1st time grower but I've been smoking for a life time. Im a disabled combat vet and unable to work and hate the pills they give me to get ride of the feelings i get. There is no MML in my state, so i chose to DIY then risk putting myself and my name out there to be caught up by buying it.

I've been getting some real solid advice from many other members as well as just reading peeps posts. Thanx for making these threads available to guys like myself so we can pick your brain and learn.

I just got done reading about your kola that got swiped...sorry for bad memories, lol...thats what I'm afraid of. They are like my lil babies. I nurture them and take care of them everyday. But for sure i wanna tell all of my friends but I dont want a risk a break in or some lil punk gets caught up and drops my name...So I guess i have this community to learn from, to share my thoughts and experiments with, share my excitement when i get a seedling successfully transplanted and thriving into something thats gunna knock my socks off...

I'm gunna subscribe to your threads and if you dont mind become a regular poster...

Heres a link to my photo album of my babies, just days till harvest:

:leaf: Combat Veterans For Cannabis - Scouts Out!!! :leaf:
Glad to have you following along. Feel free to ask away. If I don't know it there are some guys following who probably do know. As you can see, I follow a lot of Uncle Ben's style, & RiddleMe's too. Anything from them is gold. I'll take a look at your album.
The only thing addicting about Marijuana is the knowledge, then ability to grow it. Hope to help.
New pics coming soon.
I moved SS #1 downstairs to the tent. Now it only #2 & #3 in here. I can rotate the 1/4 every day or two. I fed them 1 tsp. Jack's & 1/2 tsp. Morbloom/ quart. Each got a little over a quart.
2-21 SS FrigiDare.jpg2-21 SS #2.jpg2-21 SS #3.jpg2-21 SS #1.jpg2-21 SS #4.jpg2-21 SS Tent.jpg
Looks great. Not many trichs at this point, but damn them some big buds :hump: I bet they will really start to pack the trichs on in these final weeks. Are they 8'ish week strains too :D
They haven't gotten sparkly yet, but it's coming. I'm getting some skunk smell. I think they are suppose to be 8-ish. We'll see.
They got fed a couple days ago. SS #2 got 1 tsp. Jack's/qt. SS#3 was showing some pale lower fan leaves so it got 1/2 tsp. Jack's & 1/2 tsp. Fish Poop/qt. The lower growth got some green back to it. I had to point the fan/heater so it hits the door. I found lower leaves that were dry & necrotic. #3 is getting some trich's showing.:leaf:
They are getting some skunk scent.
About time.
I'm looking forward to this smoke report.


3-5 SS 2.jpg3-5 SS #2.jpg3-5 SS 3.jpg3-5 SS #3.jpg3-5 SS Lower.jpg3-5 SS Full.jpg
Umm, Umm, GOOD! They sure look nice :D You know, I thought you were farther along than me. I was shocked that I am a couple days ahead. Yours are bigger of course, maybe thats why I thought it.
Thanks guys. I fed them a weak dose of Jack's today. 1 tsp./qt. We're in the home stretch now. They had a rain ---> nute w/Morbloom ---> nute #3+F.E. ---> weak nute. Maybe a water, & one more weak nute to finish. That should take me to 8 weeks. These 2 showed sex when they hit 13/11 then went to 12/12 on 1-13. I may take then a few days further, we'll see. I'm in no hurry with these. I want them to have good ambericity. I'll drown one, maybe both if I find a littler bucket so both fit. Maybe a tub for both.
Thanks guys. I fed them a weak dose of Jack's today. 1 tsp./qt.

Just a comment, that's a very high dose of Jacks plant food unless your soil's nutritional charge is gone. I've never gone over 1 tsp/gallon, which is the recommended dose for indoor plants. 1 TBLSP/gallon is recommended outdoors.

Plants are really nice looking, just watch for salts burn.