From 12/12 Back to 18/6?


Well-Known Member
I put five plants under a 12/12 lighting schedule on Monday (today is Thursday)

I would like to grow a couple of them out a little more possibly using them as mother plants for clones.

None of the plants have shown signs of flowering yet. They spent 4 weeks in veg before I moved them.

Would moving them back to 18/6 cause any developmental issues?

I tend to think that it wouldn't as they haven started flowering but I'd like to hear from someone who has done it.



Well-Known Member
Its called revegetating them and its fine. If you switched the light cycle that recently you should see almost no weird signs other then some twisting pistils and your tops my twist too. That early in flower it could revert to veg in a week, not nearly as bad as the month you'd have to wait if they were a couple weeks or more into flower. Dont stress about reveg though, as far as nutrients, give them veg nutrients just as you did when they were in veg except maybe a tad weaker just because it is in flower. Goodluck with the clones you get from it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. They arent actually showing signs of flowering yet which is good. I will take one or two out and grow them out a bit more.

I am new to cloning. I lost my first batch. I kept them way too wet though. Started getting rot so I tossed them. Have some more in a homemade bubble cloner well see how that goes.