My boyfriend and I first slept together on our second date. But we spent a few weeks texting b4 we meet. 6 months in he tells me money won't ever be an issue..yep he's freaking loaded.
Not once in our 2 yrs together have I asked how much he has. We split all bills, and I'm paying off my dental debt of over 5000$ which is half paid in 6 months!!!
I gave up everything to find true love. He knows we are partners.
@lahadaextranjera. .them having sex so quickly should not be the concern...he did participate. ..her intentions should be in question not her promiscuity. ..when I was single I was super horny. ...I had a few encounters with hotties with only 1 intention..
COCK!! Some people on here called me a whore...I called myself satisfied.