From experience, how much will 22,000 lumens from 2 CFL bulbs yield?


bud bootlegger
just wanted to point this out to the op as i didn't see anyone else mention it.. not that it really matters, but lumen's don't add up.. if you have for ex. 2 lights that are both 10k lumens, you don't have 20k lumens, you got 2 1ok lights is all.

that's all i wanted to say, and like i said, it doesn't really matter much, just wanted to point it out was all..


So with my setup, no side lighting. Completely reflective grow tent what do you think i should be looking at. Im about to start them on 20-20-20 ferts once a week to.
If nothing goes disasterous wrong, and if you top/fim your plants 2-3 times, do some low stress training to get as even canopy as possible and keep your light a maximum of 2 inch from the top of your plants, I don't see why you couldn't end up with 80 grams from your first grow. But the key is really to top/fim to get more tops, and keep them in the same height so you can keep the light very close.

Edit: I just saw that your are running with multiple bulbs and 400w total. With Racerboys post in mind, I really couldn't say how much you would get. My above estimate was based on me thinking you were using a single 250w like me. What are the light spectrums on those? I use one spectrum for vegging and then change the bulb to a 2700k when flipping to 12/12.


Active Member
I just ran my first grow in the past couple of months and managed .20g/watts

I had two afghan skunks which were easy to grow held up good to some newbie mistakes and a lil luck got me over the line in the end..

If you get yours growing happy Im sure you can get the same amount man… although I would say 4 plants with cfls could prove a challenge if yields is your main concern…

crack the beans, keep your environment optimum and whatever the yield you will have learned a lot… and that in itself should be sufficient for your first grow….
I have a 3'x3'x6.5' all reflective grow tent with a 150 watt CFL grow light and an additional 250 watt CFL grow light pushing out together roughly around 22000 lumens. Basically since this is my first grow, from experienced growers with similar setups, what kind of yield am I looking at off 4 Kaia Kush plants?

Please don't be rude as I am a noob looking for some answers haha.:weed:

From experience I can say I would get around 150 - 200g of trimmed and dried bud. How much will you get I dont know, theres to many variables.

This g/W thing is totaly irelevant when comparing different light sources, since their efficiency at producing light varies, also you have to take the light spectrum it produces in to equation. A light that produces a huge amount of lumens in lets say green spectrum wont be of much help for growing since the plants cant use it.

I flower my plants with 156W T5 lighting (color temp.: 3000K and 4000K) and it produces at its best (new tubes, optimal temp.) 14000lm thats 89lm/W.

HPS lights are even more efficient with a 600W being the best of them all at converting electricity in to light with 150lm/W.

Leds can be very efficient too where the best ones I know of produce 130lm/W.

Your light source is not the most efficient one with 400W for 22000lm, thats just 55lm/W.

If I was prepared to use that kind of wattage I would go with HPS - a 400W hps will give you 140lm/W,

thats almost tripling the light output for the same energy consumption.

So on avarage I get 100g of bud with my lights, and that is bag seed sativa were talking about.
With NL I got closest to the 1g/W result, 0,89g/W to be exact.
So it very much depends on the strain you are working with.

But youve asked a good question by asking how much yield a certain amount of lumens and not Watts will produce,
as this way you can more realisticly compare different grows.

I get 1g for every 140lm with a 100g total yield and it took 100lm/g for my best ever yield...

so with that in mind and all else being equal, with 22000lm I would get 157g of my sativa buds and up to 220g with a better yielder.

And thats grown in soil, sog, without any co2 enrichment or other high tech stuff.

But really, consider getting a 400W HPS and then you are looking at atleast 250g to max. 400g yields... even more if you go vertical, for the same wattage. Cheers!


New Member
I have 2 4 foot T5s with 54w 2700k for flowering. Would it be wise to pu newly rooted clones in gallon pots under these? How many? How mouth to expect? Also have 4 100w spiral bulbs to move around underneath. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
400 watts of cfl COULD get me 120-200 grams. Depending on strain,method of growth, chopping EVERYTHING under the top foliage. You will still have problems like putting the cfl too far away will induce stretch as well as putting them too close will induce stretch from the EXTRA heat given off from cfl's. If a 400watt high pressure sodium can pull .9-1.1 gpw at 55,000 lumens and have 5x the penetration of cfl's, then im not sure how 20,000 lumens of 400watts of cfl will pull 1gpw. You need crazy skill, and dont need much brains at all to see the math here.