From Germ to Sprout, Need advice


I'm as newbie as possible so any and all advice is welcome.

My problem is that I believe I'm having an unsually high amount of germinated seeds die after putting them in soil. I had 5 Master Kush fem and 4 Blue Mystic fem from Nirvana. Of those 9 seeds, I have only gotten 3 sprouts (once they sprout they've been growing great). At first I put them (2 mk, 4 bm) in FFOF and had a 2-for-5 sprout rate, only the BM came up. I changed to MG seedling mix for the next 3 MKs and only had one sprout come up. I put them in SOLOs and in a dark, warm spot with a light amount of water every other day.

Is this a normal sprout rate? Are my mediums wrong? My Germ method is to soak for 36 hours, is there a better method?

Again, any and all advice is greatly appreciated
paper towel method works excellent for me. dampen a paper towel until no water drains when you hold it by one corner. Put the seeds on the paper towel and fold it into a "pocket." place towel in a zip-lock bag, and blow some air into it. keep this in a dark warm place. also air the bag out once or twice a day (could get moldy) should sprout in under 4 days, a week at the most.


Well-Known Member
I'm as newbie as possible so any and all advice is welcome.

My problem is that I believe I'm having an unsually high amount of germinated seeds die after putting them in soil. I had 5 Master Kush fem and 4 Blue Mystic fem from Nirvana. Of those 9 seeds, I have only gotten 3 sprouts (once they sprout they've been growing great). At first I put them (2 mk, 4 bm) in FFOF and had a 2-for-5 sprout rate, only the BM came up. I changed to MG seedling mix for the next 3 MKs and only had one sprout come up. I put them in SOLOs and in a dark, warm spot with a light amount of water every other day.

Is this a normal sprout rate? Are my mediums wrong? My Germ method is to soak for 36 hours, is there a better method?

Again, any and all advice is greatly appreciated
How wet are you keeping the medium after planting your seeds? And stop soaking the things. No paper towels. If soil then rapid rooters or Root Shooters. If hydro then rockwool with pH adjusted per directions on the bag.


I'm concious of not overwatering as I've been warned to avoid. I do keep the soil consistently moist though. Im considering the Burpee seed starters: any thoughts on that?


And its not germing thats the problem, the taps show and grow fine. Its the next step that is jamming me up. I plant them by the book but the amount of seedlings sprouting seems to be really low


Well-Known Member
yea best thing you could do is not pre germ.... I use a 2" round pot some use red beer cups with drain holes poked in them, get the soil wet then plant your seed 1/4-1/2 deep cover cup with clear plastic wrap and a rubbr band to hold it in place... keep it in a 78ish degree room check it every day and when you see a sprout take off the plastic and watch it grow. sounds like your keeping them too wet