From mutated leaves to the most beautiful buds ever

Here is my crazed cherry pie plant extremely odd from seedling to 3 weeks into flower and looking like high times cover bud. First grow too.well legit grow did some growing in the woods as a kid but i knew jack squat then. All organic grow. Nothing beats the sun. Came from bag seed from my buddies cherry pie hes been growing forever. His has never had any purple to it. Hes been growing for 10 plus years and I cant wait to slap him in the face with a huge nug of 10x better dope from the same genetics. Smells like cherry pie with a strong berries too. Insane dope. 3 weeks into flower and looking like that so crazy. MICHIGAN GROWN



Well-Known Member
You may want to ask about that black growth. I have no idea what it is, could be genetic but since it's only on top and on the various leafs and in the bud it would concern me.