I think I've got spider-mites. Little red-orange bugs that look kind of like aphids, and like to chew trails into the leaves of my pot plants... I hate them with a passion. I've been killing them off my plants as I see them, but it's like trying to weed a garden with a chainsaw.... not the most accurate method, nor the least destructive to my plants... So I need to find a cure for it. I think I've heard that garlic powder works... I'm going to do some research and then try and kill the little bastards before they completely wreck my crop.
Of course, if I had lights, I wouldn't have that problem... I contacted the treasury about my money yesterday, and found out that it still might be another 6-12 weeks before I get my check... which by then, my plants will probably be through their first growth cycle and on their way to into flowering, or at least getting close... I guess maybe if I get my lights by then, at least it'll be easier to put them on 12/12... but it looks like my first yield isn't going to be much, because they didn't get enough light as babies... I may end up having to reveg, and I'll probably take some clones from my best lass... but I think I might try and keep everyone on the same photoperiod, so it could be a while before I get a good bud out of the deal.
I guess I can be thankful for the expirence I'm getting... I'll never underestimate the value of proper lighting, that's for damned sure.
A word on the plants: They've all gained some more height, but not enough to bother measuring... The little scraps of maylar I put in the pots, seem to be helping even more than I thought they would... i guess every extra lumen helps. They're mostly a healthy green color... it looks like I could be having a little bit of nutriend deficincy with a couple of them, but I'm going to wait a little bit before I actually diagnose it as such. My littlest guy seems to be growing roots now, not much but enough to keep him upright when I water... My FIM is doing incredible, I was right about both the mutant leaf growing out the side and the four leaves coming in on top... there's also a third growth node coming in, as soon as it gets big enough I think I'll clip the growth tip again and hopefully it keeps working like it has. I really hope my FIM turns out to be a girl... If It keeps going like it has, it could turn out to be my best plant... we'll see, though.
I'm keeping an eye on my lovelies, for now, so I'll post again when anything noteworthy happens.