From the Omicron to the Persei.........

Hit a Gpen and then tell me if any omicron comes close.
I tried the Gpen first and settled on the Omicron.

Dan Kone said:
I read the manual on the persei I bought and it still sucked.
But did you read it BEFORE you fucked up or after?

Dan Kone said:
I've got an omicron v2 and it hits just ok. No way it is equal to a dab of any kind.
If you mastered the 2.4ohm cart, move up to a 1.5ohm cart. Way bigger hits.

Dan Kone said:
Still have clogging issues despite the fact that I'm careful not to hit it too hard.
Operator error most likely.

Dan Kone said:
Lets not pretend omicrons are a finished product. As I said, they are more like beta tests.
Maybe so, but their technology and R&D is head and shoulders above the other companies. Their herb carts and nail carts are about 6-8 weeks out and will put any other portable vapes into a lower class.
I tried the Gpen first and settled on the Omicron.

Ok. Well you obviously work for d9vapes or sell omicrons. No one could possibly hit both of these and decide the omicron hits better. It's not even in the same ballpark.

But did you read it BEFORE you fucked up or after?

Yeah, you obviously sell omicrons.

I followed the directions EXACTLY right as I took it out of the package and it still didn't work right. Before filling it I read the directions completely, then watched a couple of youtube videos about it, then followed the direction book step by step.

Operator error most likely.

Right. Well if I can't get it right by following the directions then it's something more than operator error isn't it? I've had the omicron 1, pesei (only for a day before returning it), and now the omicron 2. I've read the instructions, I've watched videos. These things break and clog easily and while convenient, they don't give a great hit. Everyone knows it.

Maybe so, but their technology and R&D is head and shoulders above the other companies. Their herb carts and nail carts are about 6-8 weeks out and will put any other portable vapes into a lower class.

Well their "technology" (meaning it looks more fancy) might be "more advanced", but it certainly doesn't hit as well as a gpen.
Ok. Well you obviously work for d9vapes or sell omicrons. No one could possibly hit both of these and decide the omicron hits better. It's not even in the same ballpark.
No, I don't work for the company, but I DO work in the "Industry" and your erroneous opinion is noted.

Dan Kone said:
I followed the directions EXACTLY right as I took it out of the package and it still didn't work right. Before filling it I read the directions completely, then watched a couple of youtube videos about it, then followed the direction book step by step.
...and still couldn't figure it out.

Dan Kone said:
Right. Well if I can't get it right by following the directions then it's something more than operator error isn't it? I've had the omicron 1, pesei (only for a day before returning it), and now the omicron 2. I've read the instructions, I've watched videos. These things break and clog easily and while convenient, they don't give a great hit. Everyone knows it.
Then explain why they sell more units than Gpens.

Dan Kone said:
Well their "technology" (meaning it looks more fancy) might be "more advanced", but it certainly doesn't hit as well as a gpen.
... there's that pesky OPINION thing again.
No, I don't work for the company, but I DO work in the "Industry" and your erroneous opinion is noted.

...and still couldn't figure it out.

Then explain why they sell more units than Gpens.

... there's that pesky OPINION thing again.

lol. Yeah. So d9vapes then?

Ok well for whatever reason you're not being honest here. Omicrons are very buggy and while convenient, don't give fat rips, and if you own one, you know it. To pretend that they aren't beta tech or they give fat rips is not the truth.

Sales figures do not necessarily mean best quality and can not be used as proof it being a superior product.

Now, I don't know if G-pens have the same flaws or not. Maybe they do. I haven't owned one yet. But what I do know is they are capable of dab like hits and an omicron is not. But I do know my first omicron's charger broke after only a couple charges and I still have clogging issues. If anyone else wants to take a rip off of it, first I have to give them a speech on how to use it, and still have the time they do it wrong.

I followed the persei's directions EXACTLY. And it still didn't work correctly. You can pretend that this is a case of user error if you want, but if I am following their directions exactly and it still isn't working, that isn't user error. It's either faulty equipment or faulty instructions.

To claim that these work just fine is complete bullshit and you know it. But hey, good luck with the sales. After talking to you with your attitude I certainly won't be purchasing any more products from your company in the future.
lol. Yeah. So d9vapes then?

Ok well for whatever reason you're not being honest here. Omicrons are very buggy and while convenient, don't give fat rips, and if you own one, you know it. To pretend that they aren't beta tech or they give fat rips is not the truth.

Sales figures do not necessarily mean best quality and can not be used as proof it being a superior product.

Now, I don't know if G-pens have the same flaws or not. Maybe they do. I haven't owned one yet. But what I do know is they are capable of dab like hits and an omicron is not. But I do know my first omicron's charger broke after only a couple charges and I still have clogging issues. If anyone else wants to take a rip off of it, first I have to give them a speech on how to use it, and still have the time they do it wrong.

I followed the persei's directions EXACTLY. And it still didn't work correctly. You can pretend that this is a case of user error if you want, but if I am following their directions exactly and it still isn't working, that isn't user error. It's either faulty equipment or faulty instructions.

To claim that these work just fine is complete bullshit and you know it. But hey, good luck with the sales. After talking to you with your attitude I certainly won't be purchasing any more products from your company in the future.
For the last time, I do not work for, sell or trade in these items. I am a grower/breeder and hobbyist extract maker.

If you'd like answers to your technical problems you can always talk to the founder and chief designer of the Persei and Omicrons. I'll pm you with how to accomplish this.
For the last time, I do not work for, sell or trade in these items. I am a grower/breeder and hobbyist extract maker.

If you'd like answers to your technical problems you can always talk to the founder and chief designer of the Persei and Omicrons. I'll pm you with how to accomplish this.

yeah, I don't have any questions about them. I know all I need to know.

They are cool, and useful, but don't hold up well and you don't have the option of taking a monster rip off them. That's all I need to know really.
What about thermo vape?? I just got one and it rocks Fer what it is.. An errl vappe pen .
But it has a ceramic disc I like that... Hard to load
yeah, I don't have any questions about them. I know all I need to know.

They are cool, and useful, but don't hold up well and you don't have the option of taking a monster rip off them. That's all I need to know really.
I can also guarantee that you will not get a bigger rip off a Gpen than you cane get off a Persei. Since you've never used a Gpen you wouldn't know.

I gave you a way to voice your displeasure directly with the creator of these devices and maybe a way to rectify your problems. Take it or leave it. But don't put down the device because you're too inept to use it correctly.
No assumption here, YOU ARE an idiot and thanks for proving to all that YOU ARE indeed full of shit.

Well thank you for coming to this thread and randomly insulting me for no apparent reason. Your criticisms have been noted. I guess your right. Even though lots of people have issues with these products, I guess my problem is that I'm just too stupid to figure out how to use them and it has nothing to do with buggy technology. Thanks for clearing that up.
Well thank you for coming to this thread and randomly insulting me for no apparent reason. Your criticisms have been noted. I guess your right. Even though lots of people have issues with these products, I guess my problem is that I'm just too stupid to figure out how to use them and it has nothing to do with buggy technology. Thanks for clearing that up.
You're welcome and I'm still waiting for the proof of "lots of people have issues with these products".
No, I don't work for the company, but I DO work in the "Industry"

For the last time, I do not work for, sell or trade in these items. I am a grower/breeder and hobbyist extract maker.

So if you're simply a grower and hobbyist extract maker, then why is your word or opinion to be held over anyone elses? Oh wait, right, you work in the "industry", but wait, you're just a grower. Just what "industry" is it that you work in if all you do is grow and make extracts but feel you are 100% qualified to talk down to anyone sharing their experience of a product?

For the record there are two seperate people both of whom are respected making negative comments about the products in comparisson to you and you making statements to the contrary. That's 2-1 against the d9 vapes already, and the 2 being very respectable members, the 1 being some stranger claiming he knows everying and anything to the contrary of your statements is erroneous opinion (opinion based on experience i might remind you) :) but i'm sure as a grower and breeder who doesn't work for, trade, or sell vapes you must be absolutely right and everyone else wrong.

Just what qualifies you to declare two individuals personal experiences with a product(s) to be incorrect in their opinion?
I've hit my friends double cartridge persei and I got a decent hit. Not a glob rip or anything but for being at a show it did its job. It was like 2 days after he bought it. Haven't seen him with it since and he hasn't talked about it.
Superior intelligence, Unquestionable experience and good looks.

What gives you at 13.478 posts anything more than "troll bitch" status?

Fantastic answer... You leave me holding your opinion in such high esteem :lol: I think i'll ignore you and listen to the people who's opinion actually hold water.
PS. I was "advised" by the Admin of this site a few days ago to NOT post in this thread any longer. Apparently, those with a higher post count get special dispensation with regards to "side-stepping" the Forum Rules.