Frost and thieves!!


Instead of dogs knives and cameras how about you just don't let every one see your shit are you retarded? Getting ripped from your backyard while your not around is the least of your worries. What if the bit they took was to confirm for one of there older cousin that just got out of jail that it was actually bud and next thing you know you come home and your doors off the hinges and not only is your bud gone but anything of value that's not nailed down. Any one who is growing in a neighborhood where any one can see it is asking for trouble legal grow or not.


Well-Known Member
Instead of dogs knives and cameras how about you just don't let every one see your shit are you retarded? Getting ripped from your backyard while your not around is the least of your worries. What if the bit they took was to confirm for one of there older cousin that just got out of jail that it was actually bud and next thing you know you come home and your doors off the hinges and not only is your bud gone but anything of value that's not nailed down. Any one who is growing in a neighborhood where any one can see it is asking for trouble legal grow or not.
That's why there's always one person at home where I live. Some of us want to grow on our own property, it's ridiculous to have to accommodate thieves. I'm not going to hide my grow on someone else's property so I can avoid attention to mine; that is the epitome of irresponsible. You take the good with the bad. The best way to deter thieves is to have 5 dogs waiting for you to hop over into a pack of angry creatures.

Now if it refers to people that would do harm to my dogs; I would personally make their lives an experience they would regret.


Well-Known Member
As a matter of fact, I was attacked on a public road while jogging. Having anticipated the possibility of such an attack, I was prepared and destroyed the animal with lethal force.

Two of my neighbors were very nearly killed by pit bulls. One of them was able to get inside his car and close the door which saved his life. The other required the dog to be put down with several .40 cal rounds in the living room where the attack took place.

Ultimately, the endless pro-pitbull propaganda doesn't add up to a pile of dogshit because biology is destiny and these animals continue to be the #1 breed responsible for attacks and the damage done from said attacks is quite often severe. The breed can't change its genetically embedded instincts (the idea that "training" can accomplish this is just nuts) so it is destined to be treated like the biological weapon that it is.

Note to persons who have been attacked by pit bulls: If you survive the attack, get immediate medical help and document everything possible, including photos with both the wound and your face in the picture. Contact your attorney and file a civil suit against the owner. If they have homeowners insurance, the insurance company will almost certainly look for a quick settlement. Consider it a public service, as higher insurance rates will surely reduce the attractiveness of these uncontrollable and deadly animals to dog owners.
So you are inferring off of three attacks by pit bulls; wherein you provide almost no details of the encounters, or any other potentially mitigating issues. That pit bulls are some deadly force of nature? How were these dogs trained? Why were they wandering in the first place? Were any of the dogs rabid? How did the one get into the house, in the event were that happened? How were the actual breeds verified? Were they purebred, or a mix? What I'm getting at here is this: There's more factors than just breed (Which "Pit bull" is not, incidentally, it's several breeds that fall under that name.)

They are controllable, I have seen more than three of them with screaming toddlers hanging off of their jowls. All the dog did was get up and walk away when it got too annoying. Never a snap from any of them. Your statement of their "instincts" is also highly misinformed. These dogs were bred for aggression against other animals, dogs in more modern times. They have never been bred to fight people. So I fail to see that correlation you draw. A dog with a halfway competent owner knows to train his dog not to bite people. I do agree with your statement to those who get bit. Anyone who gets attacked without provocation by a dog should do what they can to make the owners life unpleasant. That goes for all dogs though, not just the various pit bull breeds.

As some reinforcement to my point, here's pit bulls saving lives in search and rescue and doubling as therapy dogs for children and adults.


Well-Known Member
Instead of dogs knives and cameras how about you just don't let every one see your shit are you retarded? Getting ripped from your backyard while your not around is the least of your worries. What if the bit they took was to confirm for one of there older cousin that just got out of jail that it was actually bud and next thing you know you come home and your doors off the hinges and not only is your bud gone but anything of value that's not nailed down. Any one who is growing in a neighborhood where any one can see it is asking for trouble legal grow or not.
KazzMaxx...It's not like I have advertised to anyone that I have a grow. Shit, my own wife didn't know where they were. I live in a very rural area and have 3 acres to hide my crop. I grow the legal amount and I keep it out of any sight lines. The problem is/was my neighbors 16 year old from time jumps the fence to get across my field to the other neighbor she babysits for. I caught her a month ago taking pics of my plants on one of her trips across. I caught her two friends after that..I knew I was fucked from that point and I did everything I could to deter her..but it's physically impossible to be in my back field 24/7. You couldn't see my grow from anywhere on anyone elses property. So, NO I'm not retarded...your pretty retarded for assuming that anyone would do that.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what this guy was thinking? and thats a gun!!!

Pits are the only ones you hear about. AKA claims labs bite the most people. Perhaps there is more of them IDK. I will not own a pit for the extra work the breed takes. But I have no problem with any breed of dog. All the pits my friends own are all great family loving loyal dogs.


Well-Known Member
the only extra work pits add.. is trying to convince people like u that its a dog. like all dogs.. they can be taught to be vicious .. just because golden retrievers and shitzus dont do as much damage so people dont report it as much.. and not to mention.. because of the hate of the pitbull breed it makes it harder for everyone that owns one.. including me. i own a nice pitbull male.. and hes an amazing dog.. hes only 9 months old and is great been potty trained since he was brought home at 9 weeks old. and he sits lays down gives paws .. speaks.. on command.. he like all dogs chew on everything wen there teething.. but after that hes been a fucking sick pup.. he loves his bud lol.. wen he was a pup he would cry wen me and the wife would smoke.. so we started blowing hits in his cage.. and he will sit there and inhale all the smoke he can and get baked.. we decided to make dog treats for him wit bud oil . so we dont ruin his nose from smokin
You confirmed what I said.

When my Lab and Jack R. get out people do not call the cops. I know I can train a pit just fine. But I just don't want the pressure even if it's wrong or right. A friend 2 blocks over has a pit. I think he has had 4 tickets over the last two years. Again I have nothing bad to say about the pit breed. I just chose not to own one is all.

My Jack R. Lab and Min Pin will alert me to any ripper just as good as any large dog. Protection is not the same but alerting me is the same and if not better. I can take my Lab to the river and let him run free with no complaints. There is much more work/factors in owning a pit IMO. Not just training wise.

If I had some land and did not live in the city I would consider owning one. If I could not own guns I would consider owning one as well. My next dog will be a German Shepherd. I am thinking about it anyway.