
I have about 2 weeks left to flower and next week is supposed to be upper 60's during the day and low 40's to high 30s and possibly frost at night and on top of that rain!but only for 2 day then it's supposed to get nice again. Soo.. do I harvest sunday night befor the weather or stick it out and hope i dont get mold and hope it doesnt die or sacrafice the yield and overall quality?

And they are outdoor plants and I would be unable to tent them with anything(size and location)


New Member
I have about 2 weeks left to flower and next week is supposed to be upper 60's during the day and low 40's to high 30s and possibly frost at night and on top of that rain!but only for 2 day then it's supposed to get nice again. Soo.. do I harvest sunday night befor the weather or stick it out and hope i dont get mold and hope it doesnt die or sacrafice the yield and overall quality?

And they are outdoor plants and I would be unable to tent them with anything(size and location)
Yeah, mold is kinda a rarity here in the great white north eh.
I would wait if possible, most years I waited till Oct. 1st as long as there wasn't snow. We have had plenty of wind lately so I think your looking good. A little frost won't hurt anything.Good luck


Active Member
the best u can do is harvest early.

or bag em, just like u see the old ladies doin to their shrubs in the winter


Well-Known Member
Looking to have similar weather here in Northern New England. Im just going to ride it out. Just keep a close eye on those buds for rot. Last year I harvested early for that reason. It was into late OCT before I had that problem however. I didn't really worry about the frost, and we had quite a few by then.


Well-Known Member

One of my buddies told me to do that. Each morning shake the dew off, and if you can, do the same after it rains. I never did it. Maybe I should have listened?


yeah same here...i saw the weather and i'm wondering how low is bad....i mean if it is consistently 45 degrees that can't be good can it? i'm trying to wait til mid oct if we don't get a hard frost. So a little light frost isn't going to hurt? that is good to know because it is coming. I also only want to go to visit once to harvest and that is it.