Frozen additives


Active Member
Hello i have ordered last wednesday Cannazym,Cannacure,GHE (Terra Aquatica) Root Booster calmag and ripen and airbomz refill.
It came today and first three was still frozen with me hearing ice shaking in the bottles and today was like 3celsius so it must have been completely frozen during nights that it stayed with delivery company somewhere in containers outside...calmag ripen and airbomz dont feel like it was ice in there or some damage so i did not complained about .Growshop reaction was great and they are sending me new bottles of cannazym cannacure and root booster and i can keep old bottles so i ask could these be damaged or some bigger quality loss ?
Cannacure has recomended storage temperature 10 to 30 celsius.others are more like 5 and above. Also i dont think these airbomz can could be damaged but maybe someone has other opinion so please tell me.


Well-Known Member
Hello i have ordered last wednesday Cannazym,Cannacure,GHE (Terra Aquatica) Root Booster calmag and ripen and airbomz refill.
It came today and first three was still frozen with me hearing ice shaking in the bottles and today was like 3celsius so it must have been completely frozen during nights that it stayed with delivery company somewhere in containers outside...calmag ripen and airbomz dont feel like it was ice in there or some damage so i did not complained about .Growshop reaction was great and they are sending me new bottles of cannazym cannacure and root booster and i can keep old bottles so i ask could these be damaged or some bigger quality loss ?
Cannacure has recomended storage temperature 10 to 30 celsius.others are more like 5 and above. Also i dont think these airbomz can could be damaged but maybe someone has other opinion so please tell me.
Use it. It's -38F outside my cabin right now. Close to -40 F or C. Everything in Alaska has been frozen at least once. You'll be fine using it.


Well-Known Member
Because of their dissolved mineral compositions, concentrated inorganic liquids will freeze at a lower point than water. For the most part, they will not freeze until reaching below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

that's why
...calmag ripen ... dont feel like it was ice in there
the root booster vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, organic and humic acids
amino acids are fine, cold does not damage protein much. Actually, in biochemistry lab, proteins are regularly put into the freezer to prevent from being denatured by heat.
enzymes are fine, they're just big proteins, maybe some got denatured but no biggie. and the acids, just shake the bottle bro, everything is fine.

the Cannazym probably took a hit but will still be effective. probably at a lower strength i would think, but plenty of enzymes survived the freeze/thaw.

the Cannacure probably had some salts in it that crystalized and precipitated out....again here, just shake the bottle...done deal. you just got some free stuff from the shippers cuz they don't know any better. lucky. i was bored, stoned, felt like looking into this stuff.