Frozen Seeds


New Member
Thank you guys for the info, I finally after six days pried off the shell and Surprise! She actually had a second she’ll,peeled it off also and today at 10 days old from germination she has 4 leaves another six days or so and into the garden.


Well-Known Member
Hey man love this explanation and I’ve been freaking out lately. I bagged my whole collection of seeds up (probably about 50-75 packs at this stage) and threw em in the freezer. I’ve been sick about this as before I did it a read a couple different breeder sites who say it’s ok. I have a move in 2 months and am really concerned. People were saying risks of Mold, cell walls rupturing due to the cold, that their friends have lost significant collections doing this yadda yadda yadda. What do you suggest is the safest bet to preserve my collection given your experience? I don’t intend to remove them until then to play it safe but wanted to know your stance as everybody seems to tell me I’m screwed.

Best way IMO to preserve seeds is to dry them out with silica desiccant packets for a couple of weeks then place them in the freezer. The main thing is to make sure your seeds are dried before you stick them in the freezer, not sure if you did that but i didnt with my test seeds and they all germinated. I figured since nature has cold and freeze cycles then cannabis seeds shouldn't have a problem.

Freezing stops all types of harm to your seeds, mold, bugs, time, you name it. For long term storage the freezer is perfect.
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Best way IMO to preserve seeds is to dry them out with silica desiccant packets for a couple of weeks then place them in the freezer. The main thing is to make sure your seeds are dried before you stick them in the freezer, not sure if you did that but i didnt with my test seeds and they all germinated. I figured since nature has cold and freeze cycles then cannabis seeds shouldn't have a problem.
Thanks for the reply man. These are from well known breeders so I’m hoping they’ll have dried their seeds enough for production. I kinda stupidly threw em in there but I’m thinking due to your explanation things hopefully should be ok. My concern is when I move and have to thaw them out for a few hours


Well-Known Member
Seeds freeze pretty simple my friend is a Botanist and works at the Australian seed bank where nearly every type of seed on the planet is frozen. Including 1000’s of weed seeds, frost is the only thing that will kill frozen seeds. The seed bank is a back up in case of environmental disaster’s, like weed seeds running out lol