Fruit automatic harvest???

Hi to my new growing family. This is my first (outdoor/greenhouse) grow. It's a fruit auto Im using bio bizz products with great success. My lady looks great. Bushy with more yield than I expected first time round. But here's my dilemma. She's 90 days old but none of the trich's have turned to the Amber I was expecting. I fear I'd I wait any longer she will pass her peak. Im sure I've done things correctly. I'm I waiting for something that isn't gonna come? I hope someone can give me any advice. I feel she is ready for the chop. Thanks....


Well-Known Member
i also have some fruit autos on its way that im going to start... but in your case, dont worry. usually when seedbanks give you your seeds they come with a ballpark ready date.

basically its all personal preference... right now your plant isnt done (it would really help with a few pics so others could also add their 2 cents), w/out pics i would say check the trichs again at day 100. then by day 120 it *might* be ready to chop.
Again, its all your pref in terms of how you want your meds to turn out.

GL bro! let us know if you have any more questions
Thanks bro. I was beginning to panic but now I'm gonna wait. I really need that deep buzz which comes with Amber, as it's for medical use. I've had sciatic for 15 years, tried everything. The herb is the only thing that keeps it under control. I never went more than a week without pain. Since I've been using the herd I've been pain free for 9 MONTHS!! It's changed my life. Hence the need to grow. Thought I'd share my story with you. Thanks again and il post some pics of my lady. Peace bro


Active Member
Wow that sucks dude. I have the same thing fruit automatic. Mine is only 51 daysold. I have 5% amber and 85% milky and about 10% clear. Im guess it will be done with in 70-75 days. Wondering why yours is taking so long.
I know man... I need it to finish soon... Are you growing inside or out? The only thing I can think of is because im growing outside its taking longer than usual. Il try get some pics up so you can check it out...
Here are my pic of 93 day old fruit auto. Took me a while to work out how to do it. Or maybe im just stoned LOL. No amber as yet, hope you guys can tell me what your thoughts are.. Thanks dude's...sorry one is sideways dont know what happened there it wasnt like that till I uploaded it?



Active Member
looking good. I wish i could put up some pics of mine camera is incogneto atm. I would give that sucker some molasses or some type of carb that might help you out with the crystals.
Thanks youngdog. Excuse my ignorance I'm new to this. What Molasses and what form do these carbs come in I haven't heard of this stuff. Surly it's not the stuff we eat??:wall:


Active Member
Well I use unsulphered molasses and yes the stuff we eat. at 5ml per gallon. I mix it right in with my fertilizers. mix it good thou so it saturates. or you can get somthing from your local grow supplier. Also some might recomend the blackstrap molasses.
Thanks for that. Will it be ok to give it to her this late on. I've already flushed her as I was expecting her to be finished by now as she's approching 100 days??. Man so much to learn!


Hey Stickier Fingers, I'm a noob (46yr old noob) with my first grow and I also have a Fruit Automatic. Do they start off really small compared to other strains? I've been told, that I might have a dwarf plant. They are 14 days old and the other strain in the white container is Dairy Queen. My Fruit Automatic has three cotyledons.

Hi side11 welcome. They look good for their age. They do start small mine were the same. Mine seem to take of suddenly once I put them in their next pot. As you can see from my pics they don't grow very tall about 12" but they get nice and bushy. Good yield really. What are feeding them? I gave her the bio bizz nuts. Organic, really good. I'l probably add molasses to the next plant to help with the crystals like youngdog recommended. Good luck dude!


Active Member
Ive been flushing my fruit with water mixed with molasses. I dont think its gonna hurt anything. My fruit is nearing 30 inches tall. I fed mine floranova fertalizer. its not organic but still good.


Hi side11 welcome. They look good for their age. They do start small mine were the same. Mine seem to take of suddenly once I put them in their next pot. As you can see from my pics they don't grow very tall about 12" but they get nice and bushy. Good yield really. What are feeding them? I gave her the bio bizz nuts. Organic, really good. I'l probably add molasses to the next plant to help with the crystals like youngdog recommended. Good luck dude!
I put them in organic potting soil and use Miracle Gro, Alaska Fish Fertilizer, Super Thrive Drops, and Vita Start with B1. I got everything at Lowes.
Hey side11, as youngdog's are 30" high we must have dwarf's. That must be some plant. Can't wait till he sorts his camera out so we can take a look at them. When choosing seeds I had to look at their growth heights for reasons of secrecy. I'm in a built up area growing outside. I wish I could have plants that high. Anyone! What do you recommend for bigger buds??


Active Member

Here is a photo from a week or so ago. It was 27 Inches when i took this photo. I think that dinafem says that this is larger than other automatics yet flowers in 60 to 65 days max. well mine in at over 70 days as they sprouted may 19th. So yes you must have a dwarf or just not doing something right.