fruit flies in soil.


So I have had a issue lately with fruit flies in the grow room, Yes fruit flies not fungus gnats. I have tried mixing the 29% h2o2 at 3ml per gallon i believe is what it said. to no avail. I know everyone says its fungus gnats not fruit flies but I have caught many mid air, using tweezers to get them off the nugs and have not hadd much luck with the yellow sticky traps collecting them or any other flying pests. moving top layer of dried soil the fruit flies fly out of it and will land on another plant. I have fund larvae in the soil, only visible with the eye loop. also I have seen very very few but also a clear little hopping insect about the same size and the larvae. what is your suggestions to the fruit fly issue? I will try to post pics to show it is fruit flies. and what rate do you guys mix the h2o2 per gallon? any help would be great. thanks and look forward to hearing back from everyone
you're 100% positive they're not fungus gnats?

hmmmmmmmmm.... Well you could use something like dyna gro neem oil but my god using it late in flower or in flower in general can add a nasty flavor to buds.

You could get those pyretherin foggers.

I would create a little fruit fly trap... like sugar water with a small piece of fruit in the water.. put a funnel on top.. the flys fly in but cant get out.

I wish you the best and someone else will chime in with more experience than me im sure.

I have however had a problem with gnats 2 grows ago and what I did was a soil flush with neem oil .. but this was during veg. I dont know what to tell ya during flowering. I dont wanna taint your buds with a poop type flavor.
100% positive. I can't get back into room till tomorrow but I will take pics to show, they have those beaty little red eyes. Have tried some neem oil really early into flower before thr nugs formed and nothing, same with the h2o2, but I don't think I used the h2o2 at the proper strength. Here is a pic of my room this round. I as well don't want to mess with quality, I am a grower for a registered cannabis patient and would rather lose a round then ad chemicals to the final product. Thanks for the input.


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I'll do my best to take video and pics tomorrow. But haven't seen or caught a single fungus gnats. I think I have used the bt before. 2yrs or so ago I had caterpillars in the room and it not them out cold. But yes I was over watering for awhile, worked graveyard shift and wife was trying helping(A for effort)


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This is the only thing I see flying. Always a chance could of had a few fungus gnats in their and laid larvae.


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Here are better pics I took tonight. Their could be fungus gnats that I'm just not seeing. But when I move soil around these are the only flying pests I see. I find some in the nugs, the leaves and down at soil when I moved top loose layer around drying it out


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The hoppers might be springtails.
Here are 2 different pics, one is of the only flying fly/gnat I can or have visually seen and second pic of soil is from tonight, started flushing and this is what always rises to the top and the reason I noticed something in the soil to begin with. I appreciate your help 20161008_195945.jpg 20161007_200039.jpg
Looks like fungus gnat larvae and adults to me.
I'm gonna take you word on the fungus gnats even tho I haven't personally seen any, and going to get some BT. To late to touch a few of the girls but if I'm on week 3 of flower and have small development already do you suggest a drench with bt or just the top 2" or so
Stop watering too. I bet the inside bottom of the soil in the pot is mud. Let that stuff dry out.
A layer of Diatomaceous earth will keep larvae from emerging... fly strips will take care of adults.. totally organic..
I used it a couple weeks ago on fungus gnats.. worked great.. good luck!
This is the only thing I see flying. Always a chance could of had a few fungus gnats in their and laid larvae.
fruit fly is one of might have several things going on.


Fungus gnat
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