Fruiting Bat Guano NPK Ratings.


Well-Known Member
Subcool’s SS mix can cost a pretty penny, so in order for me to afford it all, I have had to buy it in sections. That means if I feel extra cash in my pocket, I’ll go to the grow shop and buy an ingredient.

On the last of these trips, I bought some Bat guano with a rating of 0-16-0 when I think the suggested rating was 0-5-0.

Is this too strong? I’m thinking of not buying the rock phosphate because the guano is so strong.

Also wondering how important measuring out everything is? Can I eyeball? For example, 5 pound jug of guano, I’m making half the amount suggested, can I just roughly poor half the jug?


Well-Known Member
the recommended was 0-10-0 i think im pretty sure you would be just fine with that my man i can't see it really hurting anything

edit* also i think sub pretty much just eyeballs his he just did some measurements for receipe sake for everyone that wanted to know specifics