

Well-Known Member
I am harvesting on Sunday. For the past 3 days, my plant has been taking a downhill slide.

She is yellowing from a Nitrogen I went out, got new fert for her....fed it to her....

then the top leaves the plant got crispy on me.

What the fuck? She was beautiful her entire life and shes taking a shit on me in the last week of her life.

Her PH is going way up.

Do all plants wig out on the last few days of thier lives...or just mine?

Perhaps its natural llife cycle?

Should I just say fuck it and harvest her earlier?

Thank you ahead of time.


Well-Known Member
let her go... if she's in the last few days, your leaves are yellowing because she's taking all the energy that was stored in them, and using it on her flowers(buds). got any pics you could put up?


Well-Known Member
i think you've put yourself in a tough spot now though..... about 2 weeks prior to your expected harvest date, you want to flush the plant with clean, ph balanced water. so for last 2 weeks, she's not supposed to get any nutes. now you've just added fresh nutes and are real close to harvest. your bud could taste and burn badly. you could flush plant now, asap. then give it a few days to dry out, then harvest. flushing and cutting right away doesnt make much sense, as plant doesnt have time to actually flush herself, and she'll be full of moisture when you do cut her. that'll take it longer to dry and up your chances of bud mold..... so i'd flush asap, then give it a few days and cut......


Well-Known Member
the yellowing is normal near the end of flowering.. next grow, just let nature do it's thing. if they turned yellow in vegitative cycle or early flowering, then you got an issue. leave the leaves that are not completely dead on the plant, ones that are all drained out you can cut or just leave alone.....