

Well-Known Member
I've never noticed any hit when using WOAI... however my traffic sliders sit at 60% also... no need to go any higher with that addon, tons of traffic!
Im suprised that SOCATA didnt mention that I painted several of those aircraft in the screenshots that he posted...since him and i know each other..
yea..I develop add ons for FS 2004 and FS X...repaints and scenery...my work is on avsim and flightsim.com and thats all i'm sayin...lol

i'm looking for a good add-on DC 10...
You might try the payware CLS DC-10s...they are simple panels but the visual models are really nicely done...lots of detail and easy on FPS...


Well-Known Member
lol socata,do you ever smoke when flying?
That be a crazy experience.I wouldn't want to risk fucking something up though.

I never played these flight games but I know someone whos trying to get his license or he did already.I gotta talk to him about it.


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke while flying no for exactly the reason you stated and... the boss wouldn't allow it. I do smoke before and after though, just a one-hitter bowl before though as I don't like to be stoned while flying, just a calm buzz is all I need to keep me focused, that and a thermos full of good coffee!

Sorry about that Riddick! Yes the Piper Super Cub N907AK and the Boeing 707 are both courtesy of Mr. Fury there... well accomplished artist in and out of the simulator!

Now, I think I'll go shoot some ILS approaches in the sim, instead of burning 300 dollars worth of gas ever hour in the real world to do it!


Well-Known Member
I love hunting.........we used to spend a ton of money to go up North and hunt. Bush Pilots are a rare breed and we would hire one to takes in the romote areas and drop us off....we had campeing gear and guns and stuff for a week........then the bush pilot would come back and get us...........the last trip we hired a really good pilot and went off to our favorite spot in the Pacific North west around the rocky mountians..........everything went smooth...but there were alot of deer and we shot more than the pilot told us too...due to weight for plane....anyways he comes to pick us up and say no way.....to many deer...wouldnt be able to clear the moutain with that much weight........well we pulled the bush pilot ego trip on him and said...damn thought we hired the best....the pilot last year let us load this many....well bush pilots have a huge ego and pride themselves in risky flying........so we loaded up and took off....he is pulling and pulling and straining you can hear the motor whineing like hell.....next thing I know we crashed into the mountian..........we got out fine the pilot cussing like a banshee and my partner ask where the hell did we crash.....I said about 100 yards past where we crashed last year.............sigh..............


Well-Known Member
hey socata i'm trying to install world of AI package and it's not working. some access is denied or some b/s.

i use windows 7 64 bit.... any ideas??


Well-Known Member
You need to set the properties of the WoAI Installer to "Run as Administrator" and you need to right click on the folder containing the FSX.exe file - select properties, then security tab and set the Users group to have Full Control of the folder, all files and sub-folders.


Well-Known Member
You need to set the properties of the WoAI Installer to "Run as Administrator" and you need to right click on the folder containing the FSX.exe file - select properties, then security tab and set the Users group to have Full Control of the folder, all files and sub-folders.
aaahhh.... quick, short answer... the very essence of efficiency... you gotta be a pilot... thanks... i'll try it again.....


Well-Known Member
it worked!!! i knew it had to be something on my end....

i'd give you more rep but i gotta spread some around first...