One thing I noticed from history- the guys money never stops the guy with the sword.
Murphy I have no beef w you, so shut the fk up.

You once offered to help me with a GH, that act of faith goes a long way. This ain't your pissin match.
guess you have it all figured out brainiac buck heh. be more careful with Your Threats Buck and I won't return to trigger YOUR Aspergers again. I have you on ignore until you start with your pompous diarrhea.

reminder- you were kicked out of my home, period. no matter how you try to spin it, your ass got booted out of my life. and your whiny stalking ass kept attempting to make contact because you were out of work.

Also, the whore you are kept sliding personal info into your emails, hoping I'd be quiet about the whole matter, ie: BLACKMAIL. this is no surprise to anyone with how much your mouth runs!! you did this to yourself slimeball.

Was that concise enough for you? Have a nice day.

Holy fuckin cow!!.....here we go again...

now this is for 'abe' so anyone else---pass thru here---and dont waste ur time

Geezuz aspergery abe.............hiC

...you just dont give up
You little creepy fuckin weirdo-------snake

wheres hiC when hes needed to put you back down-
you want a 10 count like you asked me...?
I get up everytime......

I wanted to post what a cool picnic the 3mg get together was but i refrained.....one of the best interweb get togethers i have attended here.....dirtbag and bubbleman and garfield--

everyone has their drama tho....

Now you gotta step in murfs thread here and add some more bullshit.....

What in this thread has anything to do with YOU?
or me?

My posts were for murf not you you demented fuckin creep

I thought a week or two would let you decompress from your mumbling drivel about someone who couldnt work for you

I should have pulled off your 'job' (lol) weeks before ....it just got worse and worse with you

asking me to NOT come till after 11-12 cuz your up all night...why?
cuz you were 'tending' your garden?

cuz you stay up all night in virtual reality trying to look like someone and have a personality
Then bitching cuz you wanted me to keep my hrs down to around 500$@wk cuz you couldnt afford the tab

you took a simple couple week job and made me drag it out for months.....

i kept telling you i make $ when i work but you dont get that cuz you NEVER had a job....?

Hahaha--work fukhead...its good for you
finish the room yourself with those tools you collect with price tags still on them.....

I actually figured you would have 'dan the handyman'@12$hr finish the drywall and put your room back together....

like you kept 'threatening' me with.....
"I could get 'dan the handyman' @12$hr to finish this"
remember? .....why havent you?

cuz you live in an isolated little virtual world and ANY contractor that stepped in your filthy house would prolly PASS on the work--

I still see panda plastic stapled to the walls ...

and cathair in all your 'medicine'[sic]

I have seen other asperger people tho like you get jobs where they wernt so intimidated by people

You have already pissed yourself online here and look like it little butthurt boy you are.....

Thats what i told you before.....aspergers just dont let go of anger.......

I think its pretty obvious to most here how bad off butt hurt you are about getting slapped in interweb world where 95%of your reality is...

-not to mention your SO SO pisssed cuz you never got your room finished to grow subpar cathair weed --

you think you have skillz as a small time grower.....pfffffffft-

If you didnt stay up all night glued to the web cuz you sleep all day from your disorder and social ineptitude

You might have friends you could trust to finish your bullshit....
it will NEVER get done....YOU KNOW that

You are trapped in a world of online social personality which is ALL you have.....

Now you have to repeatedly come on here and try and save face and your vicious anger shows thru the screen like a cheap whore on craigslist

You sit in your pigsty up all night trying to look like someone in a virtual world that isnt even reality

Go fuk ur cat you wierd ass creepy fuk

You just couldnt resist puttin more vitriol up anytime you see a post from me....

WOW.....you just expose your true nature everytime you post-

Didnt i say "dont fk w me and i wONT fk with u?"

Guess you want me to fk w u-

You have done nothing but fk up the whole riu mich community with your drivel

You dont even post any information just weird comments and sidenotes to peoples threads.....

Thats All you really are about.......

when i get like 7-8-9 'likes' on my posts it makes me realize i am not wasting my time here (except w u) putting up pertinent up to the minute real time mmj news....

You ruin it for others trying to find news of the day

this thread was made by murf....not me-
you step in here to save face again and try and duke it out w me....

your a little fuckin creep of a person with not much social skills to navigate thru life.....

you get most of them here in virtual reality-

now you try and have a 'nice' day and fuk off!

But i EXPECT more from you.......


and truth be told.....i really didnt even wanna engage you anymore but you make me---

i cant resist showing you for what you are-

and you dont have OCD....

you have OCD 'personality' disorder-worse
....usually common with people with aspergers....

you make lists of lists and dont get any of it done-


Were beatin a dead 'idiot' here murf.......

Been tried b4 w a few other members,....they gave up

Let spoiled boy have his say......

Dont know why he stepped in here....

cant get enuf--to save face

Other folks in here told me to leave him b.....

Prolly good advice

He keeps saying on ignore but has to get a last word in

Poor fuk-

he really ISNT worth the time.......
too bad he fucked up your nice ftw thread

hes so pissed about NOT having a viable room--

viciously pissed!:cuss::lol:
Bro- I actually meant fuck the world. You wanna talk tough abe. Talkins done. Meet up. Duel pussy. Dont do it and youre sttaight COWARD.
Each other nothin- im indy. I figured thatd be t our response. It means toi didnt buck up. Let it drop. As far as im concerned. My therapist says immsevere sociopath, with narcistic tendencies. Do tou know thaylt means ill hurt myself to make sure others get some too. Its true. Waterhead.