FUCHHHHHK 24hr light cycle!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I had two sets going, 24hr, and 18/6. the 18/6 set seemed to show flowers a week earlier than the 24/0 bunch. and as soon as the pc case is done, im putting the timer on the veggys.


Active Member
im not taking back what i said...fuck 24/0 ...there is not a spot on the earth ( that weed grows) were there is 24/0 light cycle<--theres ur scientific research....i might be wrong but i dont think i am....if i am give me the strain name and ill use a 24/0 cycle on that strain alone....


New Member
i tell u moar blue light in veg lower temps in veg and higher humidity bout 70% in veg all dis gets joo moar probability of haz femal


Well-Known Member
go 12-12 from seed if you want more fems from reg seeds....seems to work for me....12-12 from seed fucking rocks......


Active Member
explain that one to me del.. please.. i have fem seeds to go in soon, can i just germ as normal and put straight on 12/12 ?
go 12-12 from seed if you want more fems from reg seeds....seems to work for me....12-12 from seed fucking rocks......


Well-Known Member
explain that one to me del.. please.. i have fem seeds to go in soon, can i just germ as normal and put straight on 12/12 ?
ive benn 12-12 from seed for the last 3-4 years.....heres a couple.....:weed:



Well-Known Member
i use regs and fem seeds for 12-12 from seed................regs seem to come out female mostly...........12-12 from the very start...........bigger the light the better it works....theres a whole lot of people growing this way on the 12-12 from seed thread......link is below....all are very welcome to come post pics, questions, answers, comments or anything else....


Well-Known Member
that bud next to the 2l bottle really impresses the shit out of me dude. you ever think about finding a great male and breeding for a strain that does extremely well like that always ?


Well-Known Member
that bud next to the 2l bottle really impresses the shit out of me dude. you ever think about finding a great male and breeding for a strain that does extremely well like that always ?
its callled a bubblebomb......thc bomb x bubblegum..........made them around 4-5 years ago.....got about 50 seeds left and this year is defo breeding year......before they run out........such a good performer each time.........


Active Member
its callled a bubblebomb......thc bomb x bubblegum..........made them around 4-5 years ago.....got about 50 seeds left and this year is defo breeding year......before they run out........such a good performer each time.........
you should burn me a copie of the darkside of the moon cd and o yeAAa...toss some of them bubblebomb seeds in lmao.


Active Member
I use 24 indoors because it is foolproof and there is no need to screw around with times. (I can use all the foolproof I get). I use CFL to veg these days (and I would suggest many home growers would be suited well to do the same) and increase lights only as I need them.. a few months of 24/24 costs me maybe a buck more a month than screwing with 18/24 .. it isn't enough to worry about cost wise for me anyway.

In some odd 30 years of paying attention between outdoor grows and indoor grows, male/female ratio between the two..

I've noticed no difference. Always averages out (and ya, I used to keep logs) at about 50/50 with females taking the slight advantage regardless of medium or lights. (although I have had heavy male dominant seasons, it is just the luck of the dice.. same with people)

That's been my personal experience anyway.. everyone's own mileage may vary. ALWAYS do what works for you.. I never come with advice unless asked, mine are just thoughts about how I myself do things.


Active Member
I use 24 indoors because it is foolproof and there is no need to screw around with times. (I can use all the foolproof I get). I use CFL to veg these days (and I would suggest many home growers would be suited well to do the same) and increase lights only as I need them.. a few months of 24/24 costs me maybe a buck more a month than screwing with 18/24 .. it isn't enough to worry about cost wise for me anyway.

In some odd 30 years of paying attention between outdoor grows and indoor grows, male/female ratio between the two..

I've noticed no difference. Always averages out (and ya, I used to keep logs) at about 50/50 with females taking the slight advantage regardless of medium or lights. (although I have had heavy male dominant seasons, it is just the luck of the dice.. same with people)

That's been my personal experience anyway.. everyone's own mileage may vary. ALWAYS do what works for you.. I never come with advice unless asked, mine are just thoughts about how I myself do things.
well i clone...i just need one fucking female lol...i know i cant really say 24hrs of light made me have no females from seed...but the first time i use 24hr/24hr from seed i got no females outta 5 seeds...so thats enough for me to say...fuck 24/light cycle from seed...if u have a female and you clone and you know its female...by all means go 24/24 on them bitches if you want... not from seed...or go 12/12 from seed...it looks like that works to lol