Fuck Bars!!

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
it really has worked wonders for me. will they prescribe both marijuana and xanax in cali?? or is there restrictions on this???? anyone know


Well-Known Member
Go see your GP. It is an anti anxiety drug. The affects people are talking about on this post are due to using it as a party drug and mixing with alcohol. If you suffer from anxiety though there are a number of better preventative meds.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
anyone have a doc who is constantly pushing add meds ??????? WHY AND WTF?? i understand it can make a person more productive..but wtf..why is amphetamine so prevalent??? we want Americans to work work work?? does the govt. subliminally promote this??someone help me understand this..


Active Member
yeah im pretty sure they want everything to go to shit. Take enough xanax and you will end up waiting around in your red dress to be on tv.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
yeah im pretty sure they want everything to go to shit. Take enough xanax and you will end up waiting around in your red dress to be on tv.
what do you specifically mean by that?? weed can do the same thing if your thinking of xanax in the same context.


Well-Known Member
wow get with the time people hahah
its quite the obvious
Ummmm, It may be the rage where you are (sounds like some sort of desperate ghetto where robbery is the norm) but Xanax is nothing new sweetheart. As an aside be cautious with benzodiazapines and alcohol because they will most assuredly fuck you up (in not a good way).


Active Member
they were like diet pills but xanax usually has an 'up' affect but im not certain if its actually classified as an 'upper'. Point is too much xanax and you can fall into a similar situation.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
yeah, xanax can produce a rebound affect.. i can understand why my doc is hesitant about prescribing more than the 2mg a day...in fact, he wont even prescribe individual 1 mg XR pills...this leads me to believe that he thinks im a) selling the shit, which im not or b) using it inappropriately, which im not ... idk i hope he changes his mind next time i see him...he said he was maxed out on xanax..couldnt prescribe more..what does this mean?? anyone take more than like 4 mg of xanax xr a day?


Active Member
maxed out thats fucked up maybe if he prescribes too much he will be investigated? which may mean that he has a secret or two at the office.

i apologize for using negative language like 'never'. Im high and just assumed you never saw it.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
naw man..dont apologize..its cool...sometimes i type like a fuck ass because i could care less..but yeah..maxed could mean hes giving people way too much and others too little..i have plans to find a new doc that specializes in anxiety...anyone else have a doc tell them they are "maxed" on the xanax?? 5nug...what do you mean secrets at the office?? i have my ideas but i want to hear yours lol

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
fuck man, in the end, i bet hes a good doc. Hes going to watch his back in order to save his license from some kid who decides to take too much Xanax. idk. back to the books..


Active Member
i dont know your doctor so i dont know his secrets. But any place power exists it can be corrupt. You're doctor is probably a fine dude andif he gets investigated maybe would just not rather have the hassle.

There is still the possibility that there is a maximum pill/clinic patient ratio of some sort who knows

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
he likes to push ADD meds. he has an gotta upbeat personality..he is very expressive in terms of his facial expressions. he gets right to the point. does not beat around the bush. idk..i stay inside alot because of this ANXIETY heh...i think it was the Adderall that turned me into a completely person. Once i got on the xanax, i started realizing how to be the old me but i still think i need more in order to feel like the old me. of course there is such thing as "coming of age" but my self-talk still reminds me to keep calm and passive which is who i was before i got on adderal, and add med. anyone been in this situation??? feel like they are too fast or quick after getting on adderal or another kind of add med. i was put on 25 mg XR for a year and it really helped me pay attention in college and complete assignments.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
i think the connection between xanax and headaches and leg pain is the weed or if u take amphetamines. i dont think it has to do with xanax. i was put on small doses of xanax as a kid and my legs never felt a damn thing. i think its the xanax plus a combination of others drugs that cause the headaches and leg cramps. but i do know what you are talking about.. i forgot who posted this "leg crap" side affect