Fuck Domino's Pizza


Well-Known Member
I ordered a pizza from them an hour and a half ago So im thinking there just busy but I call up and this dumb motherfucker says I thought you asked for pickup not delivery so I've been waiting an hour and a half for nothing and to top it all off when I ask this dumbass if it can still be delivered he says there to busy and not delivering any more tonight so he says to just come in and get it but I cant leave the fucking house.Im so fucking pissed I want my fucking pizza fuck domino's I hope they go fucking bankruptI will make it my goal to make sure they lose alot of money whenever delivering to my area for now on.FUCK DOMINO'S PIZZA!!!


Well-Known Member
I ordered a pizza from them an hour and a half ago So im thinking there just busy but I call up and this dumb motherfucker says I thought you asked for pickup not delivery so I've been waiting an hour and a half for nothing and to top it all off when I ask this dumbass if it can still be delivered he says there to busy and not delivering any more tonight so he says to just come in and get it but I cant leave the fucking house.Im so fucking pissed I want my fucking pizza fuck domino's I hope they go fucking bankruptI will make it my goal to make sure they lose alot of money whenever delivering to my area for now on.FUCK DOMINO'S PIZZA!!!
Back in the day I used to work for Dominos in Chico, Ca, I was rarely sober by the end of my shift, we'd get stoned and drunk on our breaks, and usually close out the night with copious amounts of tequilla


Well-Known Member
Should have ordered online.

Not only do you not have to wait on hold or talk to them, but it updates the status as they make it.


Well-Known Member
Well I got a phone call 5 minutes ago from the domino's manager apologizing for what happend and he offered to do a 2.00 discount if I still wanted the food delivered I said fuck that and continued to argue about how I went to bed hungry and your phone call woke me up for a lowsy 2.00 dollar discount I eventually got him to throw in a extra order of cinna sticks for the wait.I still say Fuck domino's for there shitty service but this coul of been karma for ripping them off so many times.


Well-Known Member
yea there pizza does suck it finally got here and its cold.Im never ordering them again pizza hut all the way


New Member
dude wait.....dont eat that shit...im willing to bet theres a pube or 2 on that pizza somewhere.....or spit, urine, dingle berries....fuuuuuck that...lol.....

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Glad I am not the only one :) I thought on-line ordering and tracking a pizza was the most geeky thing I have done. I had the wife to ask for the person the tracker said started the pizza when she picked it up.
The person was there, or at least playing the part.
Should have ordered online.

Not only do you not have to wait on hold or talk to them, but it updates the status as they make it.


Active Member
Once you get into a tat with a food service establishment, you cannot go back and eat there. That means forget the Domino's pizza, unless you order another one with from a different phone number. Someone will have spat on it or worse. You probably won't notice it, but at least they will have felt better.


Well-Known Member
You should have asked for his name and store number and emailed corporate. You'd probalbly get several free pizzas for that.

In any case, just order somewhere else. I can't believe that the only dominos let alone fast food type pizza place in your area. Shit I have like 20 pizza huts, papa johns, little caesars, and dominos in a 5 mile radius from me.


Well-Known Member
You should have asked for his name and store number and emailed corporate. You'd probalbly get several free pizzas for that.

In any case, just order somewhere else. I can't believe that the only dominos let alone fast food type pizza place in your area. Shit I have like 20 pizza huts, papa johns, little caesars, and dominos in a 5 mile radius from me.
Nah I got like 100 different places that deliver around here I was just about to take a quick nap so I just said fuck it and didn't bother ordering anything else then I got the call from them.I should of e mailed corporate though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah there cheese on the pizza is gross I'll never order from them, now im typing there is a domino commercial on tv thats crazy they suck fuck there service the food SUCKS!!!!

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Well I got a phone call 5 minutes ago from the domino's manager apologizing for what happend and he offered to do a 2.00 discount if I still wanted the food delivered I said fuck that and continued to argue about how I went to bed hungry and your phone call woke me up for a lowsy 2.00 dollar discount I eventually got him to throw in a extra order of cinna sticks for the wait.I still say Fuck domino's for there shitty service but this coul of been karma for ripping them off so many times.
Word of advice..
ALWAYS be nice to people who are making your food. :spew:

BTW hows that new recipe taste?