fuck north Korea and fuck paying to watch the interview


Yup, so what the fuck is your problem then? What's your excuse for being an asshole, huh?

Really, what did I say to knot your panties? Is it the tone of my voice?

Or the cum stains I left on your daddies nickers?


Omg! The world really CAN catch my vibes!

But shit, all this time I thought they were of love... better check my 'vibe dial' and tune it more to your liking.

I mean... lighten up. Yeah, man, just lighten up. Seriously if I make you quiver get a fucking life. This is teh internet. If my vibes are self righteous it's in your head and you should seek help.


You'll like the most recent one. Trust me.

BTW do you like to fuck chicks on the rag like I do? I have some pics of that too.

You know it's like a trainwreck.... no matter how hard you want to, you just can't look away.

Have to get my kicks somehow.


Okay, I just need to make a public apology to two members who know who they are.

I really am not an actual moderator (more like a noderator). It's a technical problem, I have no ability to edit/delete posts in any forum. I was a forum mod on the old RIU. With the layout/site changes some glitch causes it to continue to display Moderator under my handle.

I don't so much intend to project any sense of superiority in my posts. There should be no need to disclaim everything I say. Don't take the things I say here so damned seriously, especially in a non-grow forum. It does kind of bother me that a perfect stranger would have such strong feelings about me; enough to put a negative tone on every bullshit stupid thing I say.

On another note: It doesn't bother anyone else just a little bit that people in NK are actually suffering while some morons are getting fat off of mocking them and the way of life that they have quite little control over these days? The response is oh we should just lighten up and find some profit and humor in what is really a complicated and terrible real-world current situation?


Well-Known Member
Damn dude the world has been shit forever and not just in North Korea,people have been profiting on others misery forever...........If I had a magic wand I would make everything better for everyone but I don't and that's just life.I know I don't know you but I hope your days get better bro.


Yeah. Blah blah blah. Not the fucking point. Thanks for playing.

A person can't have simple feelings that constitute a basic fucking opinion? You're right, bud. This whole NK thing is really bringing me down, affecting me to such an extent that any time I post in this thread I must be weeping.


Actually though, that's the problem with the world, right there. Assholes like you.

"Well it's always been miserable and that's just life so I'm gonna sit here on my ass and laugh at it. Maybe make a buck myself." Fuuuck. Yoou.



Well-Known Member
North Korean propaganda video depicts Washington DC under a nuclear attack and warns 'US imperialists' not to 'budge an inch toward' the country
