fuck off cat

So. Here we go again. A couple days after losing my beloved to the mouth of my smelly-ass cat, I'm trying again. Well, succeeding again rather. It is quite difficult to grow anything plant-like with cats in the house. They eat that shit up. Literally. Anyways my new rastababy is growing like a fucking weed! (ha-ha, get it?)
This is one of the reggae seedlings I started out of the water experiment. bongsmilie In case you haven't been keeping up, I toyed around with different kinds of water for the seedlings to grow in. Deer Park yielded great results, bong water is pretty good too. I'm always trying different things and fucking around with my shitty seeds. Not like I can use them for anything else, so I try to enhance them by doing different things. Then once I have a mother-of-all-weed grow recipe I intend to get my red eyes worth of my Cinderella Lights hybrid. It shall be heaven.
Oh and if you feel the need to comment and tell me I'm overwatering it (the leaves are curling but are bright - good sign of drowning your plant.) I drown it on purpose once every three days, and let the soil dry out between waterings. It resembles it's natural watering schedule in the wild. It brings amazing results, I recommend it to every experienced grower out there. Newbies stay back though, water it too much and you'll kill it. Dry it out and you risk pests/parasites and dehydrating your plant, which will decrease stem strength and your plant will topple onto itself. It's a careful trial-and-error but once you have a routine going and you are checking the plant constantly (I show my plant more attention than I do my cat) (Not really, I love my cat) (Even though he's an asshole).
Along with the radical watering schedule I use (and have used for maaany, maany grows so pessimists GTFO) I cover my plant at night with an air-tight lid. The remaining water inside the container/pot humidifies the air, allowing the plant to drink from it's leaves without having to pour water directly onto them and strain the delicate petals.
I have a method to my madness (: I would love to hear from some of you guys and see what tried-and-true recipes you guys use. I intend to keep updating everyone with pics of my plant, for those who doubt me now just wait a few months and get ready to be jelly.
Might be worth mentioning that this plant was a mere 1.9" tall yesterday at 9:30 am. Today, it stands at an impressive 4.1" tall. I have not added nutrients/NPK or any fertilizer. I use completely 100% organic soil with sphagnum moss mixed in and shredded rock wool cubes mixed into the soil. The rock wool holds water and air much better than the moss, which aids in the humidity at night.
If you are planning on attempting this recipe, I feel I must warn you that using my drowning method and condensation in excess can rot your plant, which can be really disappointing if it is thriving on the recipe you are using to grow it. These are simply my methods I've used throughout the years, I have finetuned it to near perfection and my plants have always flourished and thrived and I have gotten some of the biggest yields using this method. Don't attempt it if you're going to bitch at me for killing your plant. These are for informative purposes only. I encourage you to do your own research and find a method that works for you.

Anyways enough Martha Stewarting this bitch, peace out Homies (:


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Welcome to RIU and close your grow room door. My dog likes to grab a branch and run like hell when I get deep enough into flower. So keep that door, or tent flap, as the case maybe closed.