I don't have a problem with Buddhism. .. And the more I look the more I find that the majority of religions stem from the teachings from ancient Egypt... thousands of years bce ...I say. .Fuck the people that bastardised religion and butchered it into what it is today. ...Fuck people I say

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the evolutionry history of fossiled bones has a missing link along the time line

cite your source for this assertion, please.

Also, make sure you clarify your definitions, just so we can all make sure you're not using mistaken interpretation as the basis for your resistance to considering the implications of the fact that the facts don't match what you've been taught by those indoctrinated before you.
but where would are souls go..
your question is predicated on a mistaken assumption, resulting from childhood indoctrination and social reinforcement.

You assume there is a "soul" (whatever that is, please define it!), and that it must "go" "somewhere" "after" we die.

But anything that can be considered "you" or "me," is utterly removed from reality, upon death. The only "you" that will exist, is people's memories of "you"... which won't really even be of "you" at all, but rather of how they perceived you, according to their own subjectivity... which, of course, varies wildly from person to person, and represents a wide spectrum of incompatible notions and stances, and lots of needlessly destructive conflict.

You know, like the crusades. Which reminds me, i had an epiphany within the last day or so:

The Crusades Never Ended. It just transformed. Those who inherited the reins, passed down through generations, from those who masterminded the crusades... are still in charge, and still doing the same things, fundamentally, but with different application and implementation. They learned to be sneaky, instead of just going around killing everyone perpetually. Now look around. Seems like they've done pretty well for themselves, right? Religion is everywhere, still! How are new people still being raised on 2000 year old fiction? How are new people still not developing the cognitive tools required to figure out what Epicurus knew so long ago?

The only way things can have come to be as they are, is if they merely Altered their crusade, rather than ceasing it. That's what really happened. It's happening now, right now, everywhere. People deprived of sufficient mental development, vulnerable, are being defrauded into believing and acting upon fictions, in order to benefit a select few.

Shepherds only protect the flock until it's time to shave, kill, eat and sell them.

The "wolves in sheep's clothing" stories the shepherds tell to the sheep, are really about protecting the shepherd, not the sheep. The sheep are a commodity to the shepherd. He doesn't want anyone coming along trying to save those sheep, by telling them what's going to happen if they keep following the shepherd.

When a shepherd convinces a wolf among sheep, to help him protect his resources from the other wolves... that's what we call 'police'.

They are not here to protect you; they are here to make sure you live and die the way the Shepherd Wants, in accordance with his expected profits, from controlling your life as a claimed resource. Sheep are slaves, in other words. Most of them just don't know it, because they grow up hearing about "wolves," and how the fences are really for keeping them "safe from wolves."

So, yes, the whole religion thing is a scam, at the core. It's tragic and infuriating that so many people waste their lives on a deliberately indoctrinated fiction.