Thanks man and the only salt buildup I have is on the neck of my dos equis XX bottle, lol. In all seriousness it's a premature lower bud and it's prob an environmental factor that poses no issue to the plant.
Yup yup, tinctures are great and so are seedsThe god's thank you!
are you talking to me?I get those results with this. Not to sound like a pompous dick but I have some of the best meds in the valley. Where is the salt???????????
Here is my grow log:
Current base soil mix:
Soil Base - Per Cubic Foot
33% Premier Peat Moss (brand name)
33% Pumice
33% Combination Compost/Vermi
Plants are top-dressed with 2" of vermicompost
Amendment Mix
1/2 cup Organic Neem or Karanja Meal
1/2 cup Organic Kelp Meal
Rock Dust Mix
4 cups Basalt & Glacial Rock Dust Mix
1/2 cup Gypsum
1/2 cup Crab Meal
The worm bins are amended with kelp, neem and crab meals during their cycle at about the same rate per c.f. of compost or manure as the soil mix
VEG-HARVEST (except foliars)
All this in a 5 gal jug of RO water
5-7 days a week
5 gal RO water
150 ml ful-power
25 ml silica
1.25 TSP Aloe Powder
1.25 TSP Coconut water Powder
Nute Foliar:
1 x per week
Same solution as above cut with 50% water. I use a spray bottle and fill halfway with solution other half RO water.
IPM foliar:
1 x per week
Same solution as above but add an oil like neem or peppermint at 5ml per gal
SST (Seed Sprout Tea):
1x depending on time. These are important so I shoot for at least 2x per week.
1 x a month
crap. i'm tired but can't nap. headache time. I just realized I could have worded my earlier post better. I should have stated that I know you know your stuff and your ingredients, so it's not salt. in my situation, if I saw leaves like that, overfert , excess salts would be the first place i'd look. you young people and your fancy ways. lolNope in general. Where is the salt = where is the chems. But yeah I could be talking you lol!
what's the pH of your soil and of the water you use?
those buds look great! Well done!
Sorry hacker I was being a smart ass but thanks for looking out. I ditch that PH meter long ago when I stopped with the chems. There is simply no issue with that plant other than the fact is showing really cool colors. That is the result of coconut water.
Plant hormones Good Summary of what they do and how.
Coconut is full of hormones. High levels of Indole-acetic-acid (IAA) Cytokinins, Gibberellic acids, Auxins, et al. - everything that a seed needs to create a new plant.