Fuck the bickering!!!!!

Hÿdra;9163628 said:
IS there anyway to grow using organic teas in hydro??? my plant count is soon to be cut down to one in a stealth cab so im hoping to get fast growth from hydro, but i wanna keep it green and tasty, so im trying to look into organic hydro that will taste similar to organic soil. Plus when i move getting rid of water will be infinitely easier than getting rid of soil.

Any techniques you guys know of??

I am trying pbp with coco right now, plants are healthy. Its basically a living system I am feeding with bennies and molasses on my off days of feed. Starting teas tomorrow will let you know how it goes!

It helps if the coco has a little ewc in it and you can reuse it as many times as you like with a rinse between cycles.
hydro organics is possible i think you have to have a recirculating system though like a drain table/ res or undercurrent system. It uses a bacteria that will buffer nutes and ph (kinda of like aquaponics but without the fish) nitrifying bacterias and stuff. i think someone makes an innoculant CoQ3 or something like that

if I ever try hydro again, I will build a 5 gal under current
A good tea for hydro is some ewc and compost.
Use roots excel on your plants too.

Are there any posts or thread you can point me to KalEl? Im going to be downsizing VERY soon, and will only be running 2 plants in a scrog, one HeadTReep style ROLS and the other i want to try living hydro..... trying to find what works bets for me. Im a flavor whore so chem nutes are out(i had a QP of frosty BEAUTIFUL chem dawg that tasted like cardboard grown hydro with chem nutes:(....) but id like to find a good rapid growth method to work on so i can maximize my 2 plants.

Can i achieve the amazing organic soil taste with living hydro?
organic hydro = aquaponics

If you want explosive growth organic hydro do DWC with benneficial teas I think Heisenberg has a thread over there he started years back for DWC growers getting " the slime / root rot" so yeah it can be done. I have never done it but maybe check out the DWC threads and look for Heisenberg's thread.. I'm too lazy to do it for it you.
Hÿdra;9167024 said:
Are there any posts or thread you can point me to KalEl? Im going to be downsizing VERY soon, and will only be running 2 plants in a scrog, one HeadTReep style ROLS and the other i want to try living hydro..... trying to find what works bets for me. Im a flavor whore so chem nutes are out(i had a QP of frosty BEAUTIFUL chem dawg that tasted like cardboard grown hydro with chem nutes:(....) but id like to find a good rapid growth method to work on so i can maximize my 2 plants.

Can i achieve the amazing organic soil taste with living hydro?

Maybe use a sweetener when you flush ? Just throwing out ideas.
Hÿdra;9163628 said:
IS there anyway to grow using organic teas in hydro??? my plant count is soon to be cut down to one in a stealth cab so im hoping to get fast growth from hydro, but i wanna keep it green and tasty, so im trying to look into organic hydro that will taste similar to organic soil. Plus when i move getting rid of water will be infinitely easier than getting rid of soil.

Any techniques you guys know of??
Keep it green and tasty? Do you think hydro weed tastes different? How and why? Instead of listening to some of these geniuses, maybe research and experiment yourself. The fact remains that using any nutrients organic or not will leave toxins in your weed. Outdoor weed that grows naturally has issues with heavy metals leeching from the soil. Flavor and taste has little to do with what type of nutrients are used and to what extent. Properly feeding and flushing them is the ONLY way to have them taste good. Curing will only take it to the next level. Have your weed tested for yourself, its easy and cheap and you will know for sure what is correct Good Luck
Keep it green and tasty? Do you think hydro weed tastes different? How and why? Instead of listening to some of these geniuses, maybe research and experiment yourself. The fact remains that using any nutrients organic or not will leave toxins in your weed. Outdoor weed that grows naturally has issues with heavy metals leeching from the soil. Flavor and taste has little to do with what type of nutrients are used and to what extent. Properly feeding and flushing them is the ONLY way to have them taste good. Curing will only take it to the next level. Have your weed tested for yourself, its easy and cheap and you will know for sure what is correct Good Luck

Well i listen to these "geniuses" because with out ALL of their collective help id still be smoking bullshit. Some of these "geniuses" grow some of the dankest weed i have ever seen Cali and Amsterdam included.

As far as WHY i think that? Please read the post RIGHT next to the one you quoted. I tried hydro with chem nutes (Botanicare CNS-17)and got a product that was flat, non tasty and just over all bland..... grew the other clone of chemdawg in soil and it tasted GREAT.

Im only skeptical because literally EVERY grower i respect says the 10000000% opposite of what you say. If hydro could give the same quality of taste as soil, why dont ALL growers use hydro? Hydro yields DWARF soil...yet TONS of COMMERCIAL growers still use organic soil because it tastes and smells infinitely better. So are ALL those professional growers wrong and you right? Does someone with 700+ posts on RIU trump all the collective knowledge of ALL the amazing growers i have had the privilege to meet and talk with??? Are you the grower that will bring balance to the growing world........ Im doubtful.

Please feed some carrots to your high horse and giddy-up the fuck outta here. I dont need you politely telling me in stupid for thinking along the same lines as 99.99999999% of growers.
Busy morning Hydra but here:

Read a few of these and your thinking will be changed forever. I don't go by hearsay personally. Observation and research. Repeat.....
The 4th book [from the top will get you started. The others on compost/nutes/micro-organisms are the science involved in compost.
Long as you are reading...look up "bio-char"...charcoal as a soil amendment---- another ancient "new" technique....prolly older than composting.
I have some char it makes a good top dress at 10% no activation required. Nice to have some intelligent conversations :)
The 4th book [from the top will get you started. The others on compost/nutes/micro-organisms are the science involved in compost.
Long as you are reading...look up "bio-char"...charcoal as a soil amendment---- another ancient "new" technique....prolly older than composting.

Redbird has a thread about bio-char in the organics section somewhere....