Fuck the human race.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I understand that I am a human. So my topic title just said fuck my self. But really ....

Last night, I cut my hand open while driving.... I know you guys are thinking wtf? Well I am a chef, and I have a lot of knives in my car. When I cut my self, I was pulling into a gas station. I have a first aid kit and all in my car. I got a box of gloves. I cut my right hand open good. I was thinking of going to the er, but I really don't have money for that. Even if I was going to the er, I need to wrap my hand up to stop the bleeding. I grab the first aid kit, and gloves with my left hand. I lay them out and start trying to wrap my hand while holding down the cut to stop the bleeding. I am using my mouth, my chin, any thing to hold it down on my cut to stop the bleeding.

Now here comes the fuck you world. I am at a gas station, wear my chef clothing. I have gloves and all. Humans just walk by and look at me, and walk the other way. People just look at me and step a few steps to the left, and keep on going. Over 20 people I counted walked by me and didn't do shit. Just keep on going. Didn't even say do you Need help. One guy even walked by me and said hi. Really hi? I hope you die by fire you prick.

When I got my self taped up, after 25 mins, blood all over the ground and on me. Some guy walks up to me, and says "you got a zig zag I could have?" this guy sat in his car, and watched me the whole time. I know because when I pulled up, I saw his lowered caddy. White, gold rims, black windows .....
I walked in side, bought him a pack of zig zag, and gave it to him. Then said fuck you.

/end rant.

Lol bud I got a very similar story and I 100% agree with you

I was on my way to make a oz chop to my buddy....on my way I had a little bike ( bicycle) accident, ended up ripping my leg wide open near my calves....To stop the bleeding I took my shirt off and wrapped it around my leg ( it was a nasty cut I thought I saw bone I was trippin so hard) I ended up making the chop and my buddy walked with me to taco bell where I could meet with the ambulance...but my buddy was in a rush and he had a ounce so he left after we got to aco bell....it took the ambulance like 20min to meet with me and during that time I was lying on the ground NO SHIRT ON wrapped around my leg drenched with blood just fucking lying in the dirt So i could elevate my leg on the giant rock outside the taco bell....I had like 10 15 people walk by me not one of them asked if I was ok in BROAD day light.ended up to be a pretty deep flesh wound, had to get 15 stitches and cut went almost 4 inches in..Society is becoming full of narcissistic borderline sociopaths


Well-Known Member
The problem here is that most people do not want to be inconvenienced with other people's problems. If I get out of work at 5, and want to eat at 7, stopping to help you is one extra obstacle in my path of being able to eat at the time I'm used to... Or whatever it may be that the person is trying to do. Everyone is in a rush these days, and dealing with someone else's issues will just screw up their schedule. Not saying it's right (morally it is wrong) but it is the society we live in today.


Ursus marijanus
The problem here is that most people do not want to be inconvenienced with other people's problems. If I get out of work at 5, and want to eat at 7, stopping to help you is one extra obstacle in my path of being able to eat at the time I'm used to... Or whatever it may be that the person is trying to do. Everyone is in a rush these days, and dealing with someone else's issues will just screw up their schedule. Not saying it's right (morally it is wrong) but it is the society we live in today.
I don't think the problem is inconvenience but fear. A bleeding but still very capacitated (?) stranger tends to mean a situation plainly marked Avoid. That's why I was curious as to how the OP asked for help ... saying something can discharge that fear, so long as it isn't on the lines of "I'll slash the next motherf..." . cn


Well-Known Member
The problem here is that most people do not want to be inconvenienced with other people's problems. If I get out of work at 5, and want to eat at 7, stopping to help you is one extra obstacle in my path of being able to eat at the time I'm used to... Or whatever it may be that the person is trying to do. Everyone is in a rush these days, and dealing with someone else's issues will just screw up their schedule. Not saying it's right (morally it is wrong) but it is the society we live in today.


Well-Known Member
Dude, seriously? You're a chef, and you just have your knives laying around in your car, no blade guards? You don't have a bag or box for you knife kit? I always keep my knives in my knife bag WITH blade guards...Hell, those are my CHEAP knives...I don't even take my Shun to work...you don't respect your equipment or what? Sorry to come off sounding like an asshole, but loose knives in a car are dangerous...What if you get into a minor car accident and you caught a flying blade to the jugular or eyeball?


Well-Known Member
I don't think the problem is inconvenience but fear. A bleeding but still very capacitated (?) stranger tends to mean a situation plainly marked Avoid. That's why I was curious as to how the OP asked for help ... saying something can discharge that fear, so long as it isn't on the lines of "I'll slash the next motherf..." . cn

Fear is definitely a part of it. I would be cautious of approaching a bleeding stranger in a parking lot, there are numerous scenarios I could surmise of trying to help someone in this situation only to find yourself in a worse spot because the person is a lunatic. In this situation I would keep a fair distance from the injured person, but ask if they want me to call an ambulance or somebody they know to come help them. I wouldn't get someone else's blood on me I didn't know especially if that person is conscious and able to seek their own assistance.

Perhaps it is the fear of inconvenience that keeps people from offering help?


Ursus marijanus
Fear is definitely a part of it. I would be cautious of approaching a bleeding stranger in a parking lot, there are numerous scenarios I could surmise of trying to help someone in this situation only to find yourself in a worse spot because the person is a lunatic. In this situation I would keep a fair distance from the injured person, but ask if they want me to call an ambulance or somebody they know to come help them. I wouldn't get someone else's blood on me I didn't know especially if that person is conscious and able to seek their own assistance.

Perhaps it is the fear of inconvenience that keeps people from offering help?
Is injury an inconvenience? Is the risk of a police misunderstanding an inconvenience? These are what might stay my hand in this instance. Too many "get involved and in hot water with fool cops" stories. But yes; I can see that asking "can I help?" from a safe-ish distance would be a good step forward imo.

But I won't pretend that it won't take a stout dose of courage to do that to/with someone muttering, fidgeting and bleeding from a fresh wound. My limbic "wtf?" receptors would be firing. cn


Well-Known Member
Is injury an inconvenience? Is the risk of a police misunderstanding an inconvenience? These are what might stay my hand in this instance. Too many "get involved and in hot water with fool cops" stories. But yes; I can see that asking "can I help?" from a safe-ish distance would be a good step forward imo.

But I won't pretend that it won't take a stout dose of courage to do that to/with someone muttering, fidgeting and bleeding from a fresh wound. My limbic "wtf?" receptors would be firing. cn

It takes me back to one of my favorite addages, "A fuck up on your behalf does not constitute an inconvenience on mine."

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Yes, I understand that I am a human. So my topic title just said fuck my self. But really ....

Last night, I cut my hand open while driving.... I know you guys are thinking wtf? Well I am a chef, and I have a lot of knives in my car. When I cut my self, I was pulling into a gas station. I have a first aid kit and all in my car. I got a box of gloves. I cut my right hand open good. I was thinking of going to the er, but I really don't have money for that. Even if I was going to the er, I need to wrap my hand up to stop the bleeding. I grab the first aid kit, and gloves with my left hand. I lay them out and start trying to wrap my hand while holding down the cut to stop the bleeding. I am using my mouth, my chin, any thing to hold it down on my cut to stop the bleeding.

Now here comes the fuck you world. I am at a gas station, wear my chef clothing. I have gloves and all. Humans just walk by and look at me, and walk the other way. People just look at me and step a few steps to the left, and keep on going. Over 20 people I counted walked by me and didn't do shit. Just keep on going. Didn't even say do you Need help. One guy even walked by me and said hi. Really hi? I hope you die by fire you prick.

When I got my self taped up, after 25 mins, blood all over the ground and on me. Some guy walks up to me, and says "you got a zig zag I could have?" this guy sat in his car, and watched me the whole time. I know because when I pulled up, I saw his lowered caddy. White, gold rims, black windows .....
I walked in side, bought him a pack of zig zag, and gave it to him. Then said fuck you.

/end rant.
people and there fear are pathetic OP, they will make up any reason if they feel there precious lives might be impacted negativly or in a way that they dont want

kinda like Urca watching that women get beat, them human race as a race is pretty much pointless, we are 7bilion individuals who cant lift a finger for one anothers, im the asshole that stops in the road for old people to cross, im the guy who pulls over to help with your flat . . . .not many people are selfless in any way, sacrificing there comfort bubble or time is unacceptable . . . .. . worthless people in my mind

people are spineless

"Some may never live, but the crazy never die-Morality is temporary, wisdom is permanent-Paranoia is just another word for ignorance-We are turning into a nation of whimpering slaves to Fear—fear of war, fear of poverty, fear of random terrorism, fear of getting down-sized or fired because of the plunging economy, fear of getting evicted for bad debts or suddenly getting locked up in a military detention camp on vague charges of being a Terrorist sympathizer.” Hunter S. Thompson
Do you live in New York? We've raised minding our own business to an art form here, and honestly when I go elsewhere it feels like people are really nosy and all up in my face all the time. To each his own I guess.


New Member
Yes, I understand that I am a human. So my topic title just said fuck my self. But really ....

Last night, I cut my hand open while driving.... I know you guys are thinking wtf? Well I am a chef, and I have a lot of knives in my car. When I cut my self, I was pulling into a gas station. I have a first aid kit and all in my car. I got a box of gloves. I cut my right hand open good. I was thinking of going to the er, but I really don't have money for that. Even if I was going to the er, I need to wrap my hand up to stop the bleeding. I grab the first aid kit, and gloves with my left hand. I lay them out and start trying to wrap my hand while holding down the cut to stop the bleeding. I am using my mouth, my chin, any thing to hold it down on my cut to stop the bleeding.

Now here comes the fuck you world. I am at a gas station, wear my chef clothing. I have gloves and all. Humans just walk by and look at me, and walk the other way. People just look at me and step a few steps to the left, and keep on going. Over 20 people I counted walked by me and didn't do shit. Just keep on going. Didn't even say do you Need help. One guy even walked by me and said hi. Really hi? I hope you die by fire you prick.

When I got my self taped up, after 25 mins, blood all over the ground and on me. Some guy walks up to me, and says "you got a zig zag I could have?" this guy sat in his car, and watched me the whole time. I know because when I pulled up, I saw his lowered caddy. White, gold rims, black windows .....
I walked in side, bought him a pack of zig zag, and gave it to him. Then said fuck you.

/end rant.
Few things here because I encounter way more nicer people than jackasses, so basically wrong place wrong time.

Also, if you needed that much assitance, just ask next time. If you were a chick wearing the same exact thing, alot more people would jump in I bet. Males usually are too proud to ask sometimes and people prolly thought you would just say "nah man, I'm good, thanks".

Just ask and you shall receive.