

Well-Known Member
what the fuck? that fuck fucked those fucking fuckers in the fucking fucked up fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck..
the word has lost all meaning...


Well-Known Member
FUCK cabbage patch kids

FUCK bitches

FUCK this thread

FUCK dogs

FUCK 'justice'

and i if u dont like my fucks.....:finger:


Well-Known Member
fuck john pope.,.
fuck babylon.,.,.,bun down vatican
fuck evil doers.,.,
fuck thieves
fuck liars.,.,if ya lie ya die/.,.,
i get sexier every fuckin day.,.,.,
fuck gal and they never go away.,.,lol.,.,(restrianing order)
fuck vampires.,.,
fuck paristies.,.,
fuck our government which divided to divide us.,.,
fuck al
l the people that dont believe in the people.,.,if all of us thought in one forward posotive direction we would have heavan on earth.,.,.,
fuck baldheads.,.,dread up.,
fuck the shadow after dark.,