

Fuck snow.
Fuck flat soda.
Fuck stoner animals that cleaned out my bowl >.>
Fuck life.
Fuck sobriety.
Fuck me.
Fuck you.
["Fuck the police and the 502"- ICP "Fuck the world"] <-= listen to it...=-


I'm telling ya man. People are maturing faster. You can't tell these 16 year olds from 22 year olds.
Fuck hormones in chicken and beef!

my dad bitches about the same thing.... "those little girls are more woman than the two women i married... It aint right I tell you."


FUCK!! the cable guy is here to hook up the family gift.... fucker wants to go in the attic... not happening, looks like we get holes in the walls... I told him our attic access is sealed up with a huge fan... which it kinda is, but a new one was put in... ahh stressful, rainy christmas eve :)


Haha! That's the funniest thing I've heard so far today!

fuck you :lol:... jk man :hug:... i thought it was pretty funny too... i gave up on him coming by, we're having thunderstorms and are under a tornado warning... he comes a knockin and i'm all bonged down watchin a movie with the family.... he's checkin out the house, and i'm all walking in front of him picking up my pipe, tray, seed jar.... and drinking a beer and trying to puff on a cigarette to get the weed smell out the air.... fun times :lol: