fucked up news!!!


Active Member
Ya im thinking 20-25k. I have a buyer that will buy everything for 2600-2800 a pound in northern florida. I hve 14-plants about 4-5 feet tall and thats with them being lst'd and supercropping them. So i should get a decent yeild (knock on wood)

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Ya im thinking 20-25k. I have a buyer that will buy everything for 2600-2800 a pound in northern florida. I hve 14-plants about 4-5 feet tall and thats with them being lst'd and supercropping them. So i should get a decent yeild (knock on wood)
you didnt need to go there.


Active Member
Nope no medical grow for me. Who would have 14 plants for a medical grow??? I actually dont even smoke. Im just looking to make enough money to open my business :) . And i do plan on getting out of his motherfuckin house.. But not untili finish my crops. Unless he decides to chop em in which case ill just take it as a loss and a learning experience. Plus this year was an experiment to see how i like growing. Next year i will have my growers permit and im gonna grow around 50-60 plants.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Nope no medical grow for me. Who would have 14 plants for a medical grow??? I actually dont even smoke. Im just looking to make enough money to open my business :) . And i do plan on getting out of his motherfuckin house.. But not untili finish my crops. Unless he decides to chop em in which case ill just take it as a loss and a learning experience. Plus this year was an experiment to see how i like growing. Next year i will have my growers permit and im gonna grow around 50-60 plants.
^^^ Fail.

You are not legal. Why would you grow 4 foot plants on SOMEONE ELSES property, if you weren't legal? You have no defense!

You sir, are an idiot.


Active Member
Well i transplanted two of my girls last night and theyve been in shade and they are doing great!! They didnt wilt over or anything. How long should i wait before i put them back in the sun?


Well-Known Member
Nope no medical grow for me. Who would have 14 plants for a medical grow??? I actually dont even smoke. Im just looking to make enough money to open my business :) . And i do plan on getting out of his motherfuckin house.. But not untili finish my crops. Unless he decides to chop em in which case ill just take it as a loss and a learning experience. Plus this year was an experiment to see how i like growing. Next year i will have my growers permit and im gonna grow around 50-60 plants.
First, go get a god damn medical card you'd be surprised what this miracle plant could help you with! Do you take aspirin? Cannabis is a much better choice. Do you ever take sleeping pills? an anti depressant? something for anxiety? do you drink too often? relaxing with cannabis is the much preferred method to unwind when considering health-

Second, wtf does 14 plants gotta do with shit? A patient is allowed to grow what is needed for that patients needs, period. 14 is awful low imo for anyone medically or for greed's sake.

Third, in the shade one day.