Fucked Up!!!


once my seeds sprouted i put them in soil on sunday, nothing happend.
i checked them this morning and the root hadnt grown much, they were thin and floppy and the shell didnt open much.
is it safe to say theyre fucked and could someone tell me what couldve went wrong please???


just under half an inch. aye a thought so.
ive just stared some more white widow, any tips so they survive would be much appreciated.


Active Member
Just stick em right in the soil 1/4-1/2in down, and cover it with a Baggie or cellophane or a humidity dome. Also don't go diggin around in the pot to check em out, just be patient :) they usually come up on their own after 3-5 days


Well-Known Member
how you gonna germ them i like to let them soak in a cup of water for 24 hours then to moist paper towel mine are ready to plant withing 3 days then into some seed starting soil something light with no nutes what are you using for soil im on my first real grow 2day is 3rd day flower



i use the paper towel method , some seedling soil from the garden centre.
good luck wi your crop.


Active Member
what kind of lights are you using... it takes days sometimes for the seed shell to come off.. sometimes the plant has a hard time shedding, though i dont recommend it you can help the shell off the plant if you like to help it start up better... if its your second grow you should know what is going on... post some specifics or a pic


hps lights, it was obvious the seeds were done, they hadnt grown at all and could clearly see the roots were fucked.


Well-Known Member
hps lights, it was obvious the seeds were done, they hadnt grown at all and could clearly see the roots were fucked.
what watt hps really should start them under something diff maybe some cfls or a t5 what were your temps in your room


600 w hps, the temp was floating around 24 celsius. it was obvious even to an amatuer like myself the seeds were done, the roots where knackered, they hadnt grown much maby not even at all. is it possible i couldve
contaminated while putting them in the soil?

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
You're being impatient.
I lost the thread that was hysterical about new growers. Can you lay your fingers on it? If I find it again I'll keep it.
Yes he is a bit impatient.....or like he said the roots are fucked and the plant is through.


Active Member
i plant rootwith seed casing on top of soil, works well, in one day shell has moved 1/2 cm up and shedding casing

With taking casing off, I did it to 2, one needed and its fine, the other it deformed one side of the leaf as it wasnt ready to come off, will be fine but puts it under stress from the start


Well-Known Member
once my seeds sprouted i put them in soil on sunday, nothing happend.
i checked them this morning and the root hadnt grown much, they were thin and floppy and the shell didnt open much.
is it safe to say theyre fucked and could someone tell me what couldve went wrong please???
If its feasable for you maybe invest or build yourself a small terrerium. Hope i spelled that right. I got a small one about 15 years ago thats the size of a small frissbee with a 2 inch deep soil basin that fits a translucent lid thats somewhat tight but not airtight. Throw the beans in a moistened paper towel then cover and allow at least 7-8 hours of sunlight(windowsill could work) a day or decent heat has always worked fine for me and its kinda foolproof of a set-up once you get the inital terrerium to germinate seeds, anything after they have popped i would recomend jiffy pots made of biodegradable material that way you can just put the seedling into some moist loose soil once rooting needs to start! Good luck hope this helped you some if at all!