Fuckin BORED, need a laugh! Suggest a funny (not abusive/violent) cat video!


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to see4 again.

It looks like the "good" old See4 is peeking around the corner.


Well-Known Member
my fav cat vid



Ursus marijanus
There can be only one. cn


Total Head

Well-Known Member
any of the simon's cat cartoons make me laugh. i'm pretty easily amused.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to see4 again.

It looks like the "good" old See4 is peeking around the corner.
I've been saying all along it wouldn't last long. LOL But we love him no matter what split personality he is manifesting at the moment. :p


Well-Known Member
I've been saying all along it wouldn't last long. LOL But we love him no matter what split personality he is manifesting at the moment. :p
This is a mix of old me and new me. But now that the "intruder" has been put in place, I will go back to new me. Sunni likes me better this way.


Well-Known Member
any of the simon's cat cartoons make me laugh. i'm pretty easily amused.

I always wondered who's cat that was, he is fucking hilarious!
I only wish there was sound with this vid.